Added sugars linked to increased kidney stone formation

October 15, 2023

HIDDEN ingredient could lead to this AGONIZING urinary condition

It’s one of the MOST PAINFUL conditions known to man…

And they say that it’s the closest thing to childbirth than men could EVER experience. 

I’m talking about passing a kidney stone. 

If it’s ever happened to you… you know you’d do ANYTHING to keep them from coming back. 

I hate to break the news to you, friend… but that may mean IGNORING your sweet tooth…

And DITCHING the added sugar!

According to the latest research, excess sugar consumption could put you in the crosshairs for this urinary condition – one that could leave you DOUBLED OVER in pain. 

Now, you don’t have to be adding SPOONFULS of sugar to your cups of coffee in the morning in order to be getting too much of the sweet stuff.

After all, Big Food is SNEAKING sugar into SO MANY of our packaged and processed foods… from spaghetti sauce and salad dressings to soups and even bread!

That’s right, friend…

You might have a RAGING sweet tooth… and not even KNOW it!

Because even if the food you’re eating doesn’t TASTE sweet to you… it could be LOADED with hidden sugars.

And that could be delivering a PUNCH straight to your kidneys. 

The latest study reveals that participants had an 88% higher chance of developing kidney stones when they got more than 25% of your calories from sweeteners. 

Now, that’s not just table sugar… but also honey, maple syrup, molasses, corn syrup, and more.

See, added sugars like these are KNOWN to make you pee less… which can contribute to your urinary system not getting FLUSHED OUT as completely as it needs to stay free and clear of stones. 

And exceeding a healthy sugar intake could also contribute to a build-up of calcium in your urine… and calcium is one of two key ingredients that kidney stones are made of.

The good news is that according to research, the #1 source of added sugars is something you can easily identify and ELIMINATE from your diet. 

That’s sugar-sweetened beverages… like sodas… energy drinks… and so-called “sports drinks.”

Try swapping out your colas with seltzer… and taking your coffee black. (Personally, I think a well-made cappuccino or latte doesn’t even NEED any sweetener.)

When you’re at the grocery store, shop the perimeter – that is, the produce aisles, dairy cases, meat counter, and everywhere else you’ll find the FRESH foods. 

If you have to buy something in a box or bottle… look for high fructose corn syrup in the ingredient list…

And AVOID it like the PLAGUE. 

That stuff is one of the WORST types of sugars when it comes to kidney stones…

And HFCS has also been linked to liver disease… leaky gut… and immune problems.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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