Rookie docs more likely to accept Medicaid insurance than their experienced peers

February 12, 2024

Could you be stuck with a NOVICE doctor… based on your health insurance?

It’s hard enough to be a “senior” in today’s mainstream medical system. 

Because the OLDER you get… the YOUNGER your docs get!

And it can be pretty TEMPTING to see them as snot-nosed kids… instead of trained, experienced medical professionals. 

But the sad truth is, SOME of the docs out there are a little more “wet behind the ears” than others.

And when something goes wrong with YOUR health… you want the guy who’s been around the block a few times…

Not somebody who’s “learning on the job.”

Here’s what should TERRIFY you about that…

Depending on what kind of insurance you’ve got… you might get STUCK with the LESSER of the two!

According to a recent study published by JAMA, the docs at the top of their game could REFUSE to see Medicaid patients, for instance…

Because they might get REIMBURSED LESS… and have to WORK HARDER in the process!

The numbers don’t lie…

And that study shows that cognitive health docs saw 1.6% fewer Medicaid patients than their less-experienced peers in the same practice.

And procedure-based physicians… like surgeons and GI docs who perform colonoscopies… saw 2.9% fewer patients on Medicaid than their junior coworkers.

As you get “up there” in years… you should be getting BETTER care… from the BEST docs around!

Let’s face it – you’ve PAID your dues. You’ve EARNED it. 

So why are older folks being PUNISHED… just because they’ve RETIRED and are on FIXED incomes?

I mean, who could BLAME you for taking advantage of federal health insurance… instead of getting ROBBED by private insurance companies?

But some docs are even going so far as to DENY Medicaid patients care...

Either because they’ve OPTED OUT of the insurance coverage…

Or because they WON’T take them on as new patients. 

Survey results published by Medscape show that 43% of practices ADMITS to limiting the number of Medicaid patients they’ll see…

And I’m guessing not everyone surveyed was actually telling the truth… and that number could be even BIGGER. 

If it happens to you… that could leave you under the care of someone who hasn’t fully cut their teeth in the medical field. 

Do you really want them PRACTICING on you?!

There is an exception… and that’s if the Medicaid patient is experiencing an emergency. At least then, a practice will have a heart… and provide urgently needed care.

Friend, don’t wait until you’re in THAT much distress to get help from a doc. Take control over your care… and be proactive about choosing a doc with the RIGHT amount of experience you’re comfortable with. 

Do it now… BEFORE you get desperate to see somebody right away…


And have to take whatever (and WHOEVER) you can get. 

It’s not just Medicaid, either. Some docs even REFUSE to deal with private insurance companies! 

If you’ve got some extra cash in your coffers… you can afford to sign up for one of those “concierge-style” medical service providers…

Which is kind of like signing up for an expensive gym membership. It’s only worth the money if you actually use it a lot. 

But not everybody can afford to plop down that much money… and FOREGO the whole insurance scheme. 

Friend, remember that an OUNCE of prevention is worth a POUND of cure.

And the best way to avoid getting treated by a ROOKIE doc… is to not need any treatment at all!

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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