Mediterranean diet could help improve Long Covid symptoms

December 26, 2023

Could THIS simple tweak stop Long Covid in its tracks?

Friend, as winter approaches… and in some parts of the country, it’s already ARRIVED… 

I wish you the BEST of health throughout this cold and flu season. 

If you’re healthy now, I URGE you to do whatever it takes to STAY that way. 

Unfortunately, some of us haven’t been so lucky…

And there are folks out there who are STILL struggling with lingering symptoms from a COVID-19 infection they cleared MONTHS… or even YEARS… ago. 

Oh, they’re not “testing positive” anymore (if you can even TRUST any of the tests that are out there now)…

But the virus has TAKEN THEM DOWN in countless ways…

And it can make it seem impossible to EVER bounce back. 

I’m here with good news today, my friend…

Because it is possible to CONQUER “Long Covid.”

I’m about to share the secret to SHEDDING these symptoms, once and for all…

But first, a little about what these poor folks are going through. 

Now, if there’s one thing we know about Covid… it’s how UNPREDICTABLE it can be!

Some folks “come down” with the virus without even a sniffle… while others are CLOBBERED by it!

And, as we know, some folks have sadly died from complications associated with a Covid infection (though we still don’t have a good way of knowing exactly which causes of death were directly “from” the virus).

The same goes for those “long-haulers” – the Covid patients who continue to experience symptoms LONG after they’ve supposedly “recovered.”

I’m talking about exhaustion… brain fog… difficulty breathing… poop problems… and even smell and taste issues!

For some, they could SWEAR they still have Covid… after all this time…

While others just haven’t gotten back to 100%... no matter HOW MUCH time has passed.

Now, Long Covid isn’t a single disease… and it’s not an infection, either. Your doc has NO way of testing for it… and he’ll tell you there’s no cure. 

All he can do, he’ll say, is try to treat your symptoms. 

But the latest science shows that one tweak could make a WORLD of difference – and that’s switching to an anti-inflammatory diet. 

And the BEST inflammation-busting approach to eating out there is the Mediterranean diet!

Now, I’ve recommended following the Mediterranean diet for a number of health reasons… 

Including PREVENTING disease… BOOSTING brain power… and SUPPORTING cardiovascular health. 

And there’s evidence that this dietary approach could help set you up for better Covid outcomes with active infections. 

Now, there aren’t any clinical trials actually TESTING the Mediterranean diet against Long Covid symptoms… at least, not yet. 

But if you’re being DRAGGED DOWN by fatigue… if you’ve got mystery symptoms that are making you feel not quite right…

Shifting your style of eating and incorporating foods that are more likely to EXTINGUISH inflammation is a low- to no-risk option. 

Try it… and see how quickly you improve. 

If you’ve been indulging in “comfort foods” because you don’t feel good… like garbage from the drive-thru or junk that comes in boxes or bags… you’re not doing yourself any favors. 

Eat right… and you’re more likely to GET right.

You deserve that.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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