Belly fat in folks at risk for Alzheimer’s linked to lower brain volume and cognition

April 1, 2024

Thick around the middle? It could put your precious memories in the CROSSHAIRS

For many older folks, it’s their WORST nightmare. 

You leave the house to run some errands… and suddenly you don’t remember WHERE you are… 

Or HOW to get home. 

You can’t remember names for the life of you… and you don’t recognize faces that SHOULD seem familiar.

You don’t even feel like yourself anymore!

All of this – and more – could happen when Alzheimer’s disease has got you in its grip. 

But it doesn’t have to come to this. 

There are factors under your control that could help you SAVE your precious memories…

Even if you’re already at risk. 

Here’s one you may have NEVER heard of… but that you can start to CONQUER right now…

Before it’s too late. 

I’m talking about belly fat. 

Now, you might not think that your waist has ANYTHING to do with your cognitive health…

But according to a study out of Rutgers University, there’s a DIRECT link between abdominal fat and brain health. 

It’s true for both sexes… but it’s even STRONGER among guys. And it starts in middle age.

Now, what we normally call a “beer belly” is actually an accumulation of fat – and it may not necessarily be the same kind of fat deposits you find elsewhere on the body. 

When you’re “thick in the middle”… it’s most likely excess visceral fat. That’s the kind of fat that SURROUNDS your internal organs. 

Too much of it can squeeze the life out of those vital organs… and has been linked to health conditions like fatty liver and heart disease…


And even mortality. 

In this latest study I just mentioned, the MORE belly fat the participants had… the LOWER their brain volume. 

That’s right – they actually had SMALLER brains to go along with their BIG bellies!

And their cognitive function was lower, too. 

In high-risk men in particular, visceral fat surrounding the pancreas was linked to SHRUNKEN brains and DECLINED cognition. 

Now, considering the role the pancreas plays in insulin production… and therefore the development of diabetes… this makes sense. 

After all, Alzheimer’s disease has been nicknamed “type 3 diabetes” because of the link between blood sugar woes and memory loss.

The good news is that TORCHING abdominal fat could help REDUCE your risk of Alzheimer’s. 

One of the most common culprits behind a growing waist circumference is stress – which can UNLEASH excess levels of the hormone cortisol. 

That’s why diet alone isn’t always enough to MELT AWAY stubborn fat around your middle. 

So, work to SLASH the stress in your life… through prayer, meditation, or even aromatherapy. 

There are some nutrients you can add into the mix, too – ones known for their ability to ZAP belly fat and SHRINK your waistline. 

Look into lutein (a plant pigment)… rose hips… hesperidin… and gynostemma, an extract of an Asian herb. 

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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