MS drug’s inflammation-busting benefits for Alzheimer’s… WITHOUT Big Pharma

December 27, 2023

Like turning a ‘fire hose’ on Alzheimer’s brain inflammation… ZERO drugs needed!

Here we go again. 

The medical mainstream is throwing practically ANYTHING and EVERYTHING against the wall when it comes to Alzheimer’s…

Just to see if something will stick. 

Even the drugs that Big Pharma have come up with for this form of dementia HARDLY DO ANYTHING. They basically don’t move the needle AT ALL when it comes to slowing or stopping progression of the disease.

And they certainly haven’t made any headway when it comes to REVERSING memory loss.

But the more that they IGNORE possible nutritional interventions… or other natural alternatives…

They keep looking at drugs, drugs, drugs to raise hopes among Alzheimer’s patients and those that care for them. 

And the latest research centers on yet another one – this time, a med that’s used to treat multiple sclerosis. 

Now, there’s a certain logic behind connecting MS with AD. They’re both neurodegenerative diseases. They both cause brain changes. 

And sometimes, MS patients develop dementia. 

There’s something else the two diseases have in common: No cure exists for either one of them. 

That’s right – the drug used in the study, ponesimod, isn’t a cure for MS either. 

It works by SUPPRESSING the immune system… since MS is thought to be a result of an OVERACTIVE immune response…

But that leaves patients VULNERABLE to respiratory and other infections.

That’s on top of OTHER side effects, like liver issues and BP woes. 

Now, Alzheimer’s patients have it BAD ENOUGH… increasingly losing their sense of identity with each memory that DISAPPEARS into the ether. 

And the only REAL benefit in my mind that came from this drug in this latest study was the reduction of brain inflammation. 

Excess inflammation…especially in the brain… certainly is a LIKELY culprit behind Alzheimer’s and other dementias. We’ve also seen it linked to a number of mood disorders… and even suicidal thoughts. 

But, my friend, you DON’T need a drug in order to EXTINGUISH those flames!

You can supplement with my two favorite brain-cooling nutrients:

  1. curcumin (the active compound found in the yellow spice turmeric)
  2. niacin (a.k.a. vitamin B3)

In addition, I recommend dietary interventions to help put out the fires – particularly a number of staples found in the anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet. 

Specifically, you can try incorporating more cruciferous veggies (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, for instance)…

Which contain an active compound called sulforaphane, shown to help reduce inflammation and protect against brain degeneration. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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