‘Meatless’ mob taking over fast food restaurants not scoring any points for healthiness

December 10, 2023

‘Fake meat’ DOMINATES fast food menus -- a surefire sign of how UNHEALTHY it is?!

Friend, you don’t need me to tell you that there are TWO sides to every story. 

But sometimes what we’re being told ISN’T what’s really going on at all. 

And innocent people are being MISLED.

That’s what’s going on with the “woke mob” – the ones who’ve tried to convince us to BANISH meat from our diets. 

First, they say it’s HEALTHIER to give up eating meat…

And to SWAP your animal proteins with “plant-based” products. 

They make so much NOISE about it… they’ve got some of the biggest corporations out there listening…

And even CHANGING their menus to accommodate vegetarians and vegans.

But in reality, adding “fake meat,” “meat substitutes,” or “meat alternatives” to a FAST FOOD menu is one of the BIGGEST contradictions there is!

If these folks are going “meatless” for their health… why in God’s name are they hitting up the drive-thru window? 

Those plant burgers are getting FLIPPED onto the SAME grill as every other beef and chicken sandwich… 

FRIED in the same grease as the “real” nuggets…

And they’re getting SLATHERED with mayonnaise… cheese… and special sauces that are definitely NOT vegan!

Besides, if going “beyond” the regular ground beef was REALLY good for you… or offering a food product that was “impossibly” similar to the real cow was indeed MORE nutritious…

Why are these items being served with a side of GREASY fries?

I don’t think fast food chains care at all about offering healthy alternatives… and I don’t think that incorporating these fad foods into their menus is a sign that they’re trying to take the JUNK out of cheap, quickie meals. 

I see it as a way for them to CASH IN on a trend…


And one that’s NOT, in fact, good for you. 

Beyond Burgers specifically contain NIGHTMARE oils – like canola, sunflower, and refined coconut oils.

Not to mention starches that SPIKE your blood sugar.

The other “meat mimic” out there, Impossible Burger, is even worse… as it’s PACKED with GMOs that make it seem even more like the real McCoy. 

Truth is, giving up meat entirely is no good for your health in the long run…

As a plant-based diet has been associated with a HIGHER risk of stroke…


And even mood issues.

So much for the “happy vegan”!

Friend, if you want to avoid a WHOPPER of a health problem… STEER CLEAR of the drive-thru altogether…

No matter whether you’re ordering AUTHENTIC animal protein… or some laboratory-created approximation. 

ANY processed patty is going to be BAD NEWS for your health.

So, if you’ve got a craving for a burger, get yourself some REAL ground beef… and grill it up at home. 

That way you’ll know EXACTLY what’s going into it. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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