Food choices could have a medicinal effect on type 2 diabetes

February 18, 2024

EAT the diabetes away… with foods that lower blood sugar AS MUCH AS meds

Friend, we’re living in a day and age of “alternative facts”… 

When OPINIONS mean more than science…

And you CAN’T believe everything you hear (or read). 

For instance, I recently came across a real head-scratcher of a MedPage Today headline that read, “Food as Diabetes Medicine? Maybe Not, Trial Suggests.”

I took a double take…

Because I know FOR A FACT that dietary changes can turn the tables on blood sugar woes!

So I wanted to see what this study ACTUALLY came up with. 

Turns out, following the RIGHT diet was JUST AS EFFECTIVE in lowering glucose as diabetes meds.

They’re making it SEEM like a failure…

When, in fact, eating a program full of wholesome foods gave blood sugar-lowering drugs a run for their money!

After six months, the study participants enrolled in the “food-as-medicine” program saw their Hba1c reduced by 1.5 percentage points. 

That’s ON PAR with metformin… which has shown in studies to lower A1C by an average of 1 to 2%!

So if this food intervention was TRULY a disappointment… what does that say for the Rx meds that docs continue to DOLE out to diabetes patients?

This is just another example of how the mainstream uses statistics to lie to you. 

They tell the story they WANT you to hear…

Rather than one that shows any ACCURATE portrayal of the truth. 

The way I see it, if you can EAT your way to healthy glycemic control…

Why RISK taking Big Pharma’s drugs… which come with out-of-pocket costs, side effects, and risks…

Including the DANGER of making your blood glucose levels DIP TOO LOW??

What I’ve heard from diabetes patients is that it just seems EASIER to pop a pill…

Rather than having to follow some complicated “meal plan”… that involves buying and preparing special foods… and checking in with a “program.”

Friend, you don’t need all that HASSLE… just to find your way to PERFECT blood sugar control. 

I like to recommend the easy-to-follow Mediterranean diet… 

Which focuses on moderate amounts of nourishing animal proteins… plenty of delicious vegetables… GENEROUS servings of olive oil and other healthy fats…

And even allows you to partake in some red wine. 

Even better, it contains compounds called glucagon-like peptide agonists… which are the same types of glucose-lowering compounds that Big Pharma has created SYNTHETIC versions of in its laboratories to create blockbuster drugs. 

Recent meta-analyses show that the Mediterranean diet also LOWERS key measurements of type 2 diabetes… like Hba1c… 

Perhaps due to its ROBUST anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions.

And best of all, the Mediterranean diet has shown to REDUCE the risk of cardiovascular disease among diabetics…

Including FEWER incidences of heart attack… stroke… and coronary heart disease. 

And STICKING to the Mediterranean diet has been associated with LOWER risk of heart death. 

In WHAT world is there ANY question that making the RIGHT food choices has true MEDICINAL value for blood sugar control?

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D


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