PPIs injure kidneys while blocking stomach acid, lawsuits claim

December 30, 2023

Top drugmaker to PAY UP for putting kidney health in crosshairs with PPIs

Your throat is raw… and your chest is ON FIRE. 

Heartburn is NO PICNIC… so it’s no wonder that so many folks reach for pills that offer a “quick fix”…

Or, in the case of Big Pharma’s heartburn pills called PPIs… keep those acid reflux attacks from happening in the first place. 

But there’s a DARK SECRET behind those acid-blocking drugs.

Because too many patients with GERD are making a DEAL with the DEVIL…

Getting relief from one health concern… but suffering even WORSE conditions after they take the drugs!

It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that folks have lawyered up…

And now, one of the biggest drugmakers out there is about to PAY UP for the damage their drugs have caused. 

Imagine having to make “Sophie’s Choice” when it comes to your health. 

Would you give up a foot to save a hand?

Or sacrifice your spleen to ease a headache?

I know, it sounds ridiculous. 

But that pretty much sums up what’s been happening when folks are trying to CURE their acid reflux…

And wind up putting their kidneys in the crosshairs!

Lawsuits claim taking AstraZeneca’s heartburn meds, Nexium and Prilosec, led some folks to experience kidney INJURY…

A condition that could send them down to the path to chronic kidney disease… or even renal FAILURE. 

That’s a DOOZY of a trade-off!

Now, AstraZeneca admits NO wrongdoing. (These drug companies never do.) And the drugmaker DENIES that it CONCEALED the risks of these PPIs. 


But instead of trying to CLEAR its name… and PROVE that the drugs are safe…

It’s prepared to hand over a whopping $425 million to settle 11,000 claims out of court. 

Of course, this isn’t the ONLY drug company on the hook for the alleged dangers of PPI drugs. 

Other drugmakers have already paid up over $108 million in total…

Including GlaxoSmithKline, over the allegations that its Zantac was linked to kidney CANCER.

At least THAT drug got RECALLED…


But plenty of OTHER acid blockers are STILL available… either by prescription or over the counter. 

Friend, you may THINK that you’re improving your quality of life by taking one of these drugs…

That you’re gaining the FREEDOM to eat what you want… and ENJOY your meals without WORRYING about them coming back to haunt you. 

But SUPPRESSING stomach acid isn’t a cure…

And it can actually do more HARM than good!

I’m talking about malnutrition… like a vitamin B12 deficiency…

Bone loss…

Dementia risk…

And, as I’ve just shared with you, kidney damage.

If you’ve NEVER taken a PPI… don’t start now! Try a good ol’ home cure first, like a spoonful of baking soda in a big glass of water. 

The SIMPLEST solutions are often the ones that work the BEST.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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