Men’s longevity THREATENED by life expectancy gender gap

March 17, 2024

3-step plan to BEATING the life expectancy odds

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how we’re likely to DIE earlier than before…

Despite all the “advances” in medicine that are supposed to be SAVING our lives!

Truth is, all those drugs and treatments that the mainstream is PUSHING on us don’t seem to be moving the needle much when it comes to our longevity. 

In fact, they COULDN’T overcome the death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic…

But that’s just ONE of the reasons why Americans have been landing in an early grave over the last couple of years.

There’s MORE at play here when it comes to our life expectancy…

And unfortunately, this story is WORSE for some folks than others. 

Guys, this is where you’ll want to start paying attention. 

Because according to a report from the National Center for Health Statistics, older gals are living LONGER than men…

And not just by a little bit. 

We’re talking nearly 6 YEARS longer!

Now, there’s always been SOMEWHAT of a gap between the sexes… both in this country and in other parts of the world… particularly because guys have historically more likely to be smokers. 

But there’s something ELSE going on here – something that goes BEYOND lifestyle factors. 

And it might just boil down to the fact that women are more likely to get medical help when something is wrong. 

Now, we all know the stereotype of the man who REFUSES to ask for driving directions… even when he’s HOPELESSLY lost behind the wheel. 

Turns out, there’s something similar going on when it comes to a guy’s health. 

I’m not just talking about not going to the doc when you’re sick… and IGNORING symptoms as they arise. 

Truth is, ladies are more likely to take care of themselves BEFORE something ever goes wrong. 

And you know that old adage – an ounce of prevention is worth a POUND of cure. 

Seems like the gals are doing something right when it comes to being PROACTIVE about their health. 

So, guys… it may be time for you to CLOSE that gender gap.

May you feel LIBERATED to pursue health solutions before any issues get too far down the road…

EMPOWERED to do your research on options that exist BEYOND the mainstream…

And ENFRANCHISED to decide what’s best for you to live the longest, healthiest life possible!

Even if men, on average, typically don’t OUTLIVE women…

That doesn’t mean YOU have to accept a life that’s any shorter than you want it to be.

In fact, you can DEFY the odds…

And I’ve got some simple ways of getting started. 

Here are my top 3 longevity tips:

  1. Follow the Mediterranean diet: Research shows this style of eating increases the length of telomeres (a.k.a. the little caps at the end of our DNA strands), which is a key indicator of longevity.
  2. Avoid ultra-processed foods: In one study, for every 10% increase in consumption, the risk of death went up by 14%.
  3. Get up and moving: According to the WHO, physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for mortality.

Not only may you live longer… but I GUARANTEE you’ll live out the rest of your years BETTER.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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