Type 2 diabetes blood sugar woes linked to low back pain

April 4, 2024

Could SPIKING blood sugar be a HIDDEN culprit behind low back pain?

Friend, how are you feeling right now? 

If you’re sitting at your computer… or scrolling through your phone… chances are, you might be feeling a twinge of pain in your lower back. 

Finding something to ease low back pain could feel IMPOSSIBLE… and too many folks NEVER find relief. 

But according to the latest science, a HIDDEN root cause might be causing all this agony…

And ADDRESSING it could be the key to ERASING discomfort… FOREVER!

Now, this type of pain is more common than you may think…

Striking 619 million people around the world in 2020… and on target to have 843 million in its grip by the year 2050!

And the older you are… the GREATER the chances are that you’ve got a target on your back. 

As of last year, low back pain was the LEADING cause of disability globally…

And it can be one of the TOUGHEST forms of pain to treat. 

OTC pain meds… heating pads… cold packs… and even massage might not do the trick…

And if you’re in the care of a conventional doc, he might start talking injections or even surgery. 

But there’s something ELSE you should look at – something that might never even OCCUR to your doc. 

It’s your blood sugar. 

That’s right – brand-new animal research shows how type 2 diabetes could actually CAUSE low back pain. 

In fact, diabetics have a 35% increased risk of low back pain, compared to non-diabetics.

Now, you may have heard how type 2 could lead to OTHER types of pain…

Like diabetic neuropathy… which occurs when SKYROCKETING glucose levels damage your nerves and cause anything from “pins and needles” sensations… to numbness… to EXCRUCIATING pain.  


Well, ANOTHER complication of diabetes includes damage to the collagen tissue in your vertebral discs… which form your “backbone” and protect your spinal nerves. 

Those disc tissues become STIFF… and can no longer ABSORB shock or WITHSTAND pressure…

Sometimes NARROWING and COMPRESSING your spine (a.k.a. spinal stenosis)… or even DAMAGING your discs.

Type 2 diabetes could even lead to spinal arthritis or infection (a.k.a. vertebral osteomyelitis). 

The theory is that it all comes down to the process your body goes through to try to REDUCE excess sugar… and the byproducts called advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) that result. 

AGEs can WREAK HAVOC on your delicate tissues… and they play a role in neuropathy, too. 

They’re what makes diabetes a DEGENERATIVE disease…


And the HIGHER your levels of AGEs are… the MORE ADVANCED your disease is.

Fortunately, we know that it’s possible to REVERSE diabetes with simple lifestyle changes…

So, what I’d like to see is a study that looks at BANISHING blood sugar woes… in order to ERASE low back pain!

Right now it’s just a theory…

And it would only work if there isn’t another structural reason for the pain… like an injury. 

But if you’re SUFFERING from low back pain… and you haven’t had your blood glucose tested in a while…

It’s DEFINITELY worth looking into. 

Because if you don’t have PERFECT blood sugar control… it could have ramifications THROUGHOUT your body…

Ones you might not necessarily SEE…

But in the case of low back pain, you can certainly FEEL them!

Fortunately, there’s a single nutrient that could help set your diabetes on the right track… AND may help relieve your low back pain. 

I’m talking about vitamin D.

A deficiency in D is associated with low back pain AND insulin resistance!

I recommend 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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