Your Parkinson’s disease might be caused by a manganese OVERDOSE!

December 23, 2023

Could your TREMORS be coming from CONTAMINATED water?

It starts as a little quiver… maybe just a gentle tremble… 

And you start coming up with EVERY excuse in the book why your hands might be shaking. 

You didn’t get enough sleep last night…

You need to eat a little something to get your blood sugar levels up…

Or you still haven’t quite gotten over that cold. 

I’m sure it’s nothing…” you tell yourself…

But your WORST fear is that those tremors are a sign of something MUCH more serious…

Like Parkinson’s disease.

Friend, don’t jump to conclusions. 

Try to ELIMINATE all of the potential causes of a tremor… ones that have NOTHING to do with the neurodegenerative disease. 

And don’t OVERLOOK a hidden culprit of Parkinsonism – one that could be staring you RIGHT in the face. 

Problem is, you can’t always SEE it… SMELL it… or TASTE it.

But you could be GULPING it down… on a DAILY basis… without having a CLUE as to the harm it could be doing!

I’m talking about your tap water… and an invisible ingredient that could be CONTAMINATING it…

And causing symptoms that appear just like those of Parkinson’s. 

This secret substance is manganese. 

It’s a trace mineral… which means we need only TINY amounts of it in our systems. It works as a coenzyme to help along certain bodily functions having to do with metabolism… blood clotting… and even immunity. 

Get too much of it… and your health could take a DARK turn. 

That’s what’s been happening to too many folks… thanks to ELEVATED levels of manganese in the public water supply in certain places. 

It’s called manganese neurotoxicity… manganism… or manganese-induced Parkinsonism.

And although its symptoms may LOOK like Parkinson’s disease…

The underlying mechanisms that CAUSE the tremors are DIFFERENT…


And therefore regular ol’ Parkinson’s treatments may not work. 

The key difference is that with PD, the parts of the brain that help produce and supply the neurotransmitter dopamine DEGENERATE…

Whereas manganese appears to somehow SABOTAGE the way dopamine gets released into the spaces between the brain cells where it can be used. 

We used to think that the only folks in the crosshairs for excessive manganese exposure were factory workers… welders… and others working in industrial settings, particularly with metals. 

But now we know that it could strike ANY American who turns on the tap. 

Now, the EPA has set a limit on the “safe” amount of manganese to consume over your lifetime…

But those numbers are nearly TWICE the limits set in Canada…

And they’re 6X as high as what the European Union considers safe!

Besides, each state can also set their own limits…

And the feds have little control over what’s going into the municipal water supply of every single tiny little town in this country. 

That means your drinking water could have MUCH higher levels of manganese…

Especially if you get your water from a well… as this mineral can LEACH out of the natural rock…

Or if you live near an industrial facility or where the groundwater may be TAINTED.

In SEVERE cases… you can actually SEE the contamination… 

Which could turn your running water BLACK. 

But even if your tap water is CRYSTAL CLEAR… look for a brownish-black color on your sink fixtures, which is a telltale sign of manganese. 

Other minerals will turn the chrome different colors… like copper green and iron a rusty red.

Fortunately, there are ways to FILTER manganese out of your water supply…

But the bad news is that REDUCING or even ELIMINATING your exposure to this toxic metal won’t necessarily make your tremor go away. 

This condition is, however, REVERSIBLE. 

What’s needed is a special detoxification procedure called chelation… which involves SWEEPING the toxins (often heavy metals) out of your body by using a substance called a chelating agent (or chelator). 

See, studies have shown that certain substances have a natural affinity to manganese… making it easy to “attach” to it…

And move it OUT of your tissues.

Chelation MUST be performed by a licensed physician… but if you usually see a mainstream doc, he may not want to do it (or even know how). 

That’s when it’s time to add an integrative doc to your care team… STAT!

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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