Guayusa tea and lion’s mane mushroom supplementation linked to cognitive benefits

February 1, 2024

One-two punch LIFTS brain fog and mood… naturally

Friend, I’m absolutely FED UP with the naysayers…

Those that CLAIM that supplements are UNPROVEN… that they DON’T work… and that they might HURT you. 

After ALL the warning labels and recalls over Big Pharma’s drugs… and the hospitalizations and DEATHS that have occurred…

The mainstream DARES to point the finger at some humble vitamins and herbs… as though THEY’RE the villains?

They’ll PUMP you full of chemicals… and GASLIGHT you when you report the side effects…

But they REFUSE to accept that people could be helped by some basic plant medicine. 

I’m glad there are still some LEGITIMATE scientists out there… ones that won’t take NO for an answer…

Who keep conducting study after study to PROVE… time and again… the effectiveness of our God-given cures from nature. 

And the latest research shows how two natural ingredients… both of which come from harmless PLANTS… could help improve one of the biggest health concerns of older folks today. 

I’m talking about cognitive health. 

A recently published study demonstrates the benefits of two natural ingredients:

  1. guayusa tea
  2. lion’s mane mushroom.

Taken separately, both these supplements helped IMPROVE cognitive performance in real people (humans!), compared to placebo. 

I’m talking about:

  • mental clarity
  • focus
  • concentration
  • productivity, and
  • stress resilience. 

And they started working in as little as an hour… and within two hours. 

There’s NO drug from Big Pharma that’s been able to go toe-to-toe with THOSE results!

Now, while these two extracts might not SEEM very much alike… guayusa coming from a type of holly and lion’s mane being a fungus… 

They actually SHARE something in common…

A strong antioxidant content, which could help “clear the cobwebs” in a foggy brain. 

Guayusa ALSO contains caffeine… which is a KNOWN neurostimulant that could help “wake up” your brain. 

And lion’s mane also contains substances called hericinones… which LITERALLY help grow new brain cells…

As well as an amino acid called L-ergothioneine… lower levels of which have been linked to memory loss.

Lion’s mane has previously shown in studies to help ELEVATE mood… and even function as a natural anti-depressant…

So I’m not surprised to see that the subjects in this study also reported feeling happier and less depressed. 

Of course, if there’s anything that could give you the BLUES… it’s losing your grip on your precious memories!

Now, BOTH guayusa and lion’s mane have the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status…

And BOTH are available in supplement form. 

You can also just drink guayusa tea… and eat lion’s mane mushrooms!

For better health, 

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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