Sleep med pitched for Alzheimer’s because it reduces amyloid and tau protein buildup

December 7, 2023

Sleeping pill NOT a solution for Alzheimer’s

Friend, I’m completely APPALLED at how the mainstream can hitch itself to a BAD idea…

NEVER own up to its mistake…

And even DOUBLE DOWN on something that not only WON’T help patients…

It could HURT them!

That’s EXACTLY what’s happening right now with Alzheimer’s…

And how the LEGALIZED drug cartel in this country is DIGGING IN… and REFUSING to let go of what strongly appears to be a MISCONCEPTION about memory loss.

It’s bad enough that Big Pharma can’t come up with any drug that’s not an abject FAILURE when it comes to saving your precious memories… 

But now, a new study is trying to tout the benefits of a sleeping pill for the disease! 

The problem? 

Sleep meds are actually linked to brain drain!

This particular sleep aid, researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine say, reduces the “plaques and tangles” of beta amyloid and tau proteins that have been associated with Alzheimer’s.

But the sad truth is, that DOESN’T mean it can SLOW or even STOP the progression of Alzheimer’s. 

Because emerging science indicates that those misfolded proteins may actually be a RESULT of cognitive decline… not the CAUSE of it. 

See, not all patients with Alzheimer’s actually exhibit amyloid and tau deposits in their brains…

And in plenty of folks, those brain deposits don’t impair memory WHATSOEVER!

Yet Big Pharma has LATCHED onto beta-amyloid and tau proteins as the culprit behind Alzheimer’s… and drugmakers are finding any and every way to REDUCE them with the promise of PRESERVING memory. 

Now, there is a NUGGET of truth in all this…

Which is that quality sleep is CRUCIAL to staying sharp as a tack well into your golden years. 

And if you’ve got insomnia… and are DEPRIVED of sleep… you should DEFINITELY address it before it starts to affect your cognition. 

But 10 times out of 10, taking a sleeping pill isn’t the way to go. 

They can KNOCK you out without actually providing the RESTORATIVE rest you need…

And they can make you groggy and confused the next day. 

If you want to sleep like a BABY… and feel REFRESHED in the morning…

Keep it simple… and DITCH the drugs. 

I love the soothing effect of aromatherapy… using essential oils KNOWN for promoting a night of SOUND sleep…

Like lavender… peppermint… chamomile… and more. 

You can put an oil diffuser on your nightstand… or even take in a deep breath as you sip a delicious cup of herbal tea. 

Finally, keep your “sleep hygiene” in check, by…

  • SHUTTING DOWN all devices at least an hour before bed
  • FASTING after dinner (and not eating too late)
  • ELIMINATING sugar, and
  • RESERVING sleep for nighttime, no naps!

If it’s been a stressful day, do something relaxing to “wind down”… like meditation, breathing exercises, or a glass of warm milk. 

These aren’t just wives’ tales – they really work!

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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