Addressing metabolic dysfunction offers approach to rheumatoid arthritis without suppressing immune system

January 14, 2024

DON’T sacrifice your immune defenses for RA relief

If you’ve got rheumatoid arthritis (RA)… you know how you FEEL. 

The aches and pains… the tenderness… the morning stiffness… and the weakness, for starters.

And RA patients are more than familiar with the VISIBLE signs of their disease… like the joints that are red and swollen. 

In some cases, the fingers or toes in folks with RA can become DEFORMED – a telltale sign of this autoimmune disease.

But there’s a lot going on INSIDE the body that NO ONE can see. 

And how, new research is bringing one of these HIDDEN signs to light…

Which could help reveal a new approach to CONQUERING the disease…

One that doesn’t involve the DANGEROUS tactic of SUPPRESSING the immune system.

I’m talking about dysfunction on a metabolic level. 

Turns out, your metabolism could influence how RA manifests in your body…

Namely, according to French scientists, how our bodies process an amino acid called tryptophan. 

Now, you may only know this substance as the culprit behind the “food coma” you get after eating turkey…

But it ALSO functions as a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin (the “happy hormone”). 

Unfortunately, researchers aren’t sure why or how tryptophan metabolism gets hijacked in RA patients… so there are lots of questions that still need to be answered.

But here’s the big discovery of this latest study…

The authors found that if they TWEAKED the study subjects’ metabolism by introducing an enzyme that would CORRECT what was wrong with how tryptophan was being processed…

Results included the COOLING of inflammation… which is KEY to getting RA under control…


Friend, you don’t need a science experiment or a laboratory to help EXTINGUISH excess inflammation. 

And until this metabolic tweak becomes widely available… I’m not going to leave you in the LURCH. 


With RA, I recommend my ABCs of joint health: 

  • Ashwagandha
  • Boswellia
  • Curcumin.  

All three of these ingredients are heroes when it comes to BUSTING inflammation…

And together, they can provide relief for a wide variety of joint health concerns. 

Studies have shown some benefits of taking other supplements that help strike a good balance of inflammation… like CoQ10 and vitamin E.

The best part? They won’t SQUASH your immunity in the process.

In fact, they just might SUPPORT your natural defenses.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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