Undiagnosed liver disease could be a culprit behind dementia-like memory loss

March 4, 2024

Could this HIDDEN culprit be STEALING your precious memories?

Friend, no matter WHAT the mainstream says… no one knows the TRUE culprit behind dementia.

Big Pharma has jumped on the “beta-amyloid” theory bandwagon… but the drugs they’ve developed to REDUCE those brain clumps WON’T save your precious memories. 

Meanwhile, there are LOTS more theories out there… with possible culprits including everything from inflammation to toxins to infection. 

I think it’s probably some combination of MULTIPLE factors… which means it’s HIGHLY unlikely that any one drug will ever work on its own. 

And now, there’s another hat being thrown in the ring – another health condition that could COINCIDE with memory loss. 

It’s something you may have NEVER thought of… and your doc may NEVER look for. 

But ZEROING IN on it could help put all the puzzle pieces together… and help keep dementia at bay. 

And if cognitive decline has already taken hold… this factor may be yet another key to UNLOCKING the secret behind SLOWING or even STOPPING the progression of dementia.

I’m talking about liver disease.

In a recent study out of the Richmond VA Medical Center in Virginia, more than 10% of the 177,000 participants had advanced fibrosis or developed full-blown cirrhosis over the course of the 10-year study.

Now, both of those conditions suggest liver disease that’s pretty far along…

Which might have caused a type of brain condition known as hepatic encephalopathy (HE), or brain dysfunction that occurs when the liver can’t sufficiently filter toxins out of the blood. 

The good news? This liver-induced memory loss is REVERSIBLE. 

Here’s the kicker…

These liver problems are often MISSED by docs… and remain UNDIAGNOSED!

And that begs the question: Were these patients TRULY afflicted by dementia?

Because CHANGING THE COURSE on liver health could also help turn memory loss AROUND. 

This reminds me of other diseases that kind of “masquerade” as dementia… like Lyme disease. In those cases as well, treating the underlying culprit has helped RESOLVE the memory loss. 

That may be why the top herbal supplement for supporting liver health, milk thistle, is also known for its ability to STAVE OFF neurodegeneration. 

And that’s not the only natural cure that works on BOTH liver and brain health. 

Another one is choline – which you can get both in supplement form (often as part of a B complex) and from healthy, whole foods like meat, eggs, and nuts. 

Not surprisingly, other liver-supporting herbs… like artichoke leaf… also show brain benefits, too.

My takeaway here is to stay ON TOP OF your liver health… so you can do something about it BEFORE it starts to rob you of your precious memories. 

If you haven’t gone for a physical in a few years… get a complete workup, which will include some blood work that looks at liver enzymes. 

Don’t wait until those “senior moments” start to set in…

Because this is one thing you could do ahead of time that could give you A LEG UP on keeping your cognitive health where it needs to be.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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