Covid antiviral drug Paxlovid’s rebound effect much worse than originally thought

January 14, 2024

‘Boomerang’ effect could make Covid a recurring nightmare 

They PROMISED us that they’d come up with an antiviral drug that would help EASE recovery from COVID-19.

They ASSURED us that we’d feel BETTER if we took it…

And we’d recover MORE QUICKLY. 

But the mainstream’s promises aren’t worth a hill of beans…

And if we weren’t SURE of that before… the latest research PROVES it in spades. 

Because as it turns out, the “savior drug” that we were URGED to take if we came down with Covid is NOT all it’s cracked up to be. 

I’m talking about Paxlovid. 

Now, when Covid patients first started taking this experimental drug… the side effect they most commonly noticed was annoying at worst.

It made everything taste BITTER!

For some, it seemed like a reasonable trade-off… if it meant keeping SEVERE illness at bay. 

But there’s a dark truth behind this Rx pill… which the FDA claims may have saved as many as 1500 American lives A WEEK. 

Once you take a five-day course of this medication… your Covid symptoms could COME BACK!

Or, even if you THINK you’re feeling better… you could STILL be testing positive. (Or you could test positive after having briefly tested negative.)

The feds pooh-poohed this “rebound” effect when it gave the official approval for this drug earlier this year… ensuring that it would continue to be available beyond its original emergency use authorization (EUA). 

The trials showed that Covid rebound only happened in 2% of patients who took Paxlovid. 

But now with the passage of time… and LOTS more data points… we’re starting to uncover the REAL truth. 

And that’s that over 20% of Paxlovid users could rebound!

That’s right – more than 1 in 5 folks who take Paxlovid could experience this BOOMERANG effect. 

Why such a big difference? 

It may be because the researchers first testing this drug weren’t looking for a side effect like this… because they NEVER anticipated such a thing could occur. 

Turns out, experts say this rebound could happen whether or not you take the drug. But it’s MUCH more likely to occur if you DO get drugged with this med.

So that makes me wonder… how much better does this antiviral treatment ACTUALLY make Covid patients?

There’s no way to know, really. The theory is that it keeps folks who are AT RISK of serious infection actually getting severely ill. 

But there’s no way to scientifically test how they would’ve recovered, had they let their natural defenses take over… versus popping a pill. 

Friend, only you and your doc can decide the right course of action for you if you catch Covid – which I pray you don’t. 

My advice is to do your research… because this “miracle pill” might not actually be as good as it seemed at first…

Or as good as Big Pharma is still CLAIMING. 

If you do decide to take Paxlovid… and you experience a rebound case of Covid… you can report it to the drugmaker, Pfizer, through a special website it has set up. 

There’s no telling what they’ll actually DO with that information…

But we know that adverse events are far UNDERREPORTED… so in my mind it’s better to file your complaint rather than stay silent…

Even if it falls upon deaf ears.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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