Docs going OVERBOARD on peripheral artery disease surgery even with minor symptoms

January 8, 2024

Could your doc be TOO EAGER to SLICE into you for THIS health concern?

If you’ve got peripheral artery disease… the pain in your legs is UNMISTAKABLE. 

Because when there’s a BLOCKAGE in your vessels… and it’s keeping blood from flowing FREELY to your limbs…

The problem isn’t just that your muscles aren’t receiving CRUCIAL oxygen. 

It’s that it’s downright AGONIZING!

Now, there are ways to support vascular health… even if your blood flow is RESTRICTED by fatty deposits (or “plaque”) in your vessels. 

Your doc will tell you that if you want to SAVE your limbs… you’ll need to STOP smoking… CONTROL your cholesterol… and LOWER your blood sugar. 

That means adopting a HEALTHIER style of eating… and getting a little more activity (yes, even if it hurts to move around a little more).

And those are all GOOD pieces of advice.

But SOME docs are jumping to more AGGRESSIVE approaches… including INVASIVE procedures…

Even if the symptoms are MILD!

I’m talking about vascular surgery on those CLOGGED arteries… 

Including something called an atherectomy… which is when they scrape away the plaque from inside the vessels. According to experts, that should NEVER be treated as a routine procedure!

Official recommendations are to insert a stent or deploy a balloon to try to OPEN things up first…

But friend, remember that ANY surgery comes with the risk of complications.

And in the case of peripheral artery disease, getting even a “minimally-invasive” procedure like an atherectomy… done too early in the game… could actually LEAD to amputation. 

And that’s the ONE thing you’re trying to avoid above all else.

Here’s the kicker…


Docs are making A LOT of money off of doing ALL of these procedures in their offices… so OF COURSE they want to do more of them... 

No matter WHAT the consequences.

A better option is to start out FAR more conservatively…

Instead opting for those lifestyle interventions I mentioned earlier.

It gets even BETTER…

Because there are ways to WIDEN those leg arteries naturally… no needles or knives involved…

And you’re going to love what comes next. 

Two of the BEST ways to help improve peripheral artery disease involve:

  1. dark chocolate
  2. alcohol (in moderate amounts).

Studies have shown that cocoa… or even cacao, the PUREST form of chocolate there is… could help EXTEND walking distance among folks with peripheral artery disease…

And one study out of Spain even showed that moderate alcohol consumption was associated with a LOWER risk of death, compared to not drinking any booze at all!

Friend, if you’re experiencing leg pain… definitely get it checked out…

And determine whether the cause is narrowed arteries in your limbs. 

If your doc STILL recommends vascular surgery… even AFTER you’ve tried to manage the disease with diet, exercise, and other lifestyle interventions…

DON’T hesitate to get a second opinion.

If it seems like surgery is, in fact, your BEST option... make sure the surgeon is board-certified by checking your state’s medical board database.

That resource will also give you information as to whether the surgeon has any history of disciplinary action…

And you can find information about malpractice lawsuits through your local court records.

When it comes to CUTTING you open… or SCRAPING your insides… 

Don’t just take their word for it.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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