CAR-T therapy for cancer could cause lymphoma

January 28, 2024

Side effect of cancer therapy is… WORSE cancer?

It’s a RADICAL type of gene therapy…

One that PREYS upon the MOST DESPERATE of cancer patients. 

I’m talking about Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy… which the FDA approved to treat certain types of blood cancers in 2017. 

It MANIPULATES certain white blood cells, called T-cells… in a process scientists call “synthetic biology”…

Which essentially GENETICALLY MODIFIES your immune system by ZEROING IN on the CAR gene. 

If that doesn’t sound SCARY enough on its own…

Now the feds may be THINKING TWICE about that greenlight… because they’ve LAUNCHED an investigation into a SERIOUS risk associated with this FUTURISTIC immunotherapy. 

And it’s one of the WORST things that could happen to a cancer patient. 

Imagine putting your FAITH into your cancer doc… TRUSTING him with your life…

And then hearing this HORRIFYING news. 

Not only is your cancer NOT gone… but now you’ve got EVEN MORE cancer!

That’s right – CAR-T therapy appears to be CAUSING what they’re calling “T-cell malignancies,” which is just a fancy way of saying blood cancer. 

Specifically, CAR-positive T-cell lymphoma. 

Patients are winding up in the hospital… or, worse yet, in an early grave.

The FDA is investigating all five BCMA- or CD19-directed autologous CAR-T therapies that are currently available… and being used to treat cancer patients…

Which means NO ONE receiving CAR-T therapy is necessarily in the clear. 

And yet the feds are telling patients to KEEP putting their lives on the line… because the benefits of this genetic modification supposedly OUTWEIGH the risks. 

Tell that to a cancer patient who becomes another sad statistic in this DANGEROUS development!

Friend, don’t believe the HYPE. 

The mainstream moneybags SAY that CAR-T therapy offers PERSONALIZED cancer therapy… which might sound like a good thing. 

But in their attempt to creating DESIGNER immune cells… ones that are SUPERCHARGED to fight cancer…

They’re essentially turning you into a lab rat!

And they’re NOT being upfront about the risks. 

Of course, this isn’t the ONLY danger associated with CAR-T therapy. We’ve known for a while that it’s associated with the risk of cytokine release syndrome, which is a life-threatening inflammatory response to the treatment. 

The mainstream will tell you that you MUST endure their TORTUOUS therapies in order to save your life. 

But they’ll conveniently NEGLECT to mention that you could LOSE your life as a result of the treatments!

It’s a trade-off no cancer patient should have to make. 

Listen, “gene therapies” have been the HOLY GRAIL for cancer researchers for a long time… 

But I really don’t think TECHNOLOGY is going to be the answer for anyone fighting the disease.

No matter how many ADVANCES they’ve made… we’re LOSING the war on cancer. 

And yet the mainstream keeps DENYING the benefits of traditional medicine!

I’m not even talking about SWITCHING from mainstream cancer therapies to herbal medicine… but even just ADDING certain nutrients into the mix. 

Research has shown the TREMENDOUS benefits of curcumin for both lymphoma and myeloma…

And high-dose intravenous vitamin C (IVC) can do WONDERS in amplifying conventional cancer care… as well as helping cancer patients SURVIVE their treatments…

And feel BETTER.

Explore your options, friend. And don’t ASSUME that the “latest, greatest” cancer treatment is actually the BEST one for you. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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