Gut microbiome linked to Parkinson’s disease pathology

March 10, 2024

Could the key to CONQUERING Parkinson’s be hiding in your belly?

Friend, if you develop a tremor… or a full-blown case of Parkinson’s disease…

Your doc might tell you there’s NOTHING you could’ve done to keep it at bay. 

It’s just a matter of back luck… or bad genes. 

But that’s not EXACTLY true. 

Sure, if you’re already in the grip of this neurodegenerative disease… it might help you feel better to think that your fate is completely OUT of your hands. 

Truth is, there’s MORE going on here than a slow decline of motor function that you have ZERO control over. 

Because there ARE steps you can take to stack the deck in your favor. 

And one of the most exciting ways that scientists are uncovering has to do with your brain… and another part of your body you might not expect. 

I’m talking about your gut. 

Now, the gut-brain axis is something that’s been getting quite a bit of attention when it comes to cognitive decline…

Which is one of the reasons experts think that antibiotic use has been associated with memory loss… as well as mood and psychiatric issues. 

Anything that DISRUPTS the balance of “good” and “bad” bugs in your gut could lead to brain problems…

And as it turns out, that applies to Parkinson’s disease as well. 

Researchers have actually analyzed the gut bacteria of patients with PD… literally by looking closely at their poop samples…

And found that they contain MORE dangerous strains of infection-causing bacteria… like Salmonella and E. coli… and SMALLER populations of a beneficial bug strain known as Prevotella

Now, here’s a “chicken and egg” scenario. 

We don’t know whether these changes in the microbiome CAUSED the Parkinson’s to occur… or whether they’re merely a SYMPTOM of the disease. 

It’s even possible that they occurred separately from one another. 

But according to scientists who’ve been tracking this connection between the gut and the brain, it appears as though when something goes wrong with the balance of flora in the microbiome… there are dangerous byproducts that are produced. 

And, in some cases, those byproducts actually TRAVEL from the gut lining… and wind up in the brain… where they can WREAK HAVOC. 

They’re linked to excess inflammation being UNLEASHED…


And brain cells becoming DAMAGED. 

Add to that a cascade of immune responses being ACTIVATED (because remember your gut is also the center of your immune system)…

It’s no wonder everything goes HAYWIRE!

Now, here’s the kicker…

There’s no proof that BALANCING your gut bugs could help slow or stop a case of Parkinson’s that’s already taken hold (although researchers are studying treatments like fecal transplants).

But there are some studies that indicate that boosting probiotics has relieved some symptoms of the disease… which tends to affect the gut and cause some GI issues.

What I would like to see is whether nurturing a healthy population of belly bugs could help keep Parkinson’s at bay…

Whether that means DELAYING its onset…

SOFTENING the blow of its severity…

Or STAVING IT OFF altogether!

I’m particularly interested in scientific trials involving fermented foods, like fermented milk… especially combined with prebiotics, which are absolutely CRUCIAL to making sure the “good bugs” can survive and thrive in the gut.

Consider balancing your gut microbiota like building a defensive wall against possible attackers – you’ll want to fortify it NOW, before anything starts storming the castle. 

And considering the role your gut plays in your brain health and immunity… it just makes good sense to keep those aspects of your health as STRONG as possible…

So they can be more RESILIENT to anything that might try to get you in its grip. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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