Ultra-processed foods as addictive as nicotine or alcohol

January 11, 2024

Big Food is turning Americans into DOPE FIENDS

They’re one of the BIGGEST culprits behind why Americans are so SICK today…

And yet they seem nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of. 

I’m talking about ultra-processed foods. 

Seems like darn near everything folks in this country eat today comes in a box… a bag… a can… or a jar…

And it’s something they just CAN’T quit. 

Turns out, it’s not the CONVENIENCE of packaged foods that make them so hard to resist…

Or even their BARGAIN BASEMENT pricing. 

These factory concoctions have been formulated in such a way… with refined carbs, GOBS of added fat, and chemical additives…

People are literally becoming ADDICTED to them!

That’s right – according to recent science, the “perfect storm” of garbage ingredients in ultra-processed foods is TRIGGERING the reward centers of our brains in DANGEROUS ways. 

Researchers are even comparing the “rush” of dopamine from these franken-foods to how we respond to nicotine… the highly addictive chemical that gets folks hooked on smoking cigarettes…

And alcohol. 

If you’ve ever experienced an intense CRAVING for a bag of cheesy poofs… you know EXACTLY what I mean. 

Of course, Big Food WANTS it this way. And it doesn’t even TRY to hide it.

Remember the big ad campaign for Lay’s potato chips, whose slogan TAUNTED us with “Betcha can’t eat just one”?

Problem is, tobacco and booze are at least REGULATED… and kept away from children. 

Salty snacks, not so much. 

Now, I’m not much for creating diagnoses out of thin air… or labeling something as a “disease” when it’s simply a behavioral problem. 

But it’s hard to deny that there is a COMPULSION among some folks to eat… and OVEREAT… food that is absolute junk. 

That can lead to very real physical problems… not the least of which is obesity. 

Some folks who get a little taste of these ADDICTIVE foods find that they just can’t STOP…

Even when they feel full…

And even when they’re PACKING on the pounds. 

Worse yet… they’re also likely to become MALNOURISHED… 

Because the foods they’re OVEREATING are severely LACKING in nutritional value!

Sure, it’s not GUARANTEED to happen. Just like you can have an adult beverage every now and then… and you can stop before going OVERBOARD.

But if you’re feeling out-of-control with your eating habits… or this sounds like someone you love… it may be time for a food intervention. 

Unfortunately, there’s really no “weaning” yourself off ultra-processed food. Your only option is to go “cold turkey.”

That means BYPASSING the center aisles of your local supermarket… and ONLY shopping the outer perimeter…

Where you can get fresh produce, meats, fish, and full-fat dairy. 

If the grocery store is too tempting… try shopping at your local farmer’s market. You won’t likely find anything there that you can’t trace the origins of… so you’ll know EXACTLY what you’re putting in your body. 

And focusing on whole foods means you’ll get all the nourishment and energy you need…

Which is why we eat in the first place! (Isn’t it time we REMIND ourselves of that?)

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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