FDA says cancer-causing food additives are safe; California disagrees

December 12, 2023

Why are these food additives BANNED in Europe… but LEGAL in this country?

You’d think with all the nanny state nincompoops we’ve got running things in this country… there’d be ZERO chance that we’d ever encounter something that could harm us. 

They STRAP us down in seatbelts… CRAM our heads into bike helmets… and even DICTATE what we can pack in our luggage!

But where are these nervous ninnies when it comes to the POISONS that we’re putting into our bodies?

Seems like in those cases, the USDA, FDA, EPA, and anybody else with a federal badge is NOWHERE to be found. 

I’m not just talking about the DANGEROUS drugs that make their way into your medicine chest…

But also the foods in your pantry!

Oh, you might THINK they’re safe… simply because they’re being sold at the corner store.

Take a closer look, my friend… because hiding in some of those ingredient lists are SCARY chemicals…

Ones that are BANNED in Europe… but have been given a PASS in this country!

Here are just a few to look for:

  • brominated vegetable oil (BVO)
  • potassium bromate
  • propylparaben, and
  • Red Dye No. 3 (or “Red Dye #3” or erythrosine).

That last one is a particularly “bad actor”… as it’s been linked to cancer. 

That prompted the FDA to force makers to remove it from makeup products DECADES ago…

So what in God’s name are we doing still EATING the stuff?!

All the way back in 1990, the feds claimed they were working on BANISHING this synthetic, petroleum-based dye from food products…

But they NEVER followed through. 

The tide may be shifting, however…


Now that the state of California has OUTLAWED not only Red #3… but also the other three additives I just shared with you. 

The economy of California is big enough to make a SIGNIFICANT impact on pretty much any maker that’s trying to distribute nationally…

And already the maker of marshmallow Peeps claims that it will stop using the cancer-causing red dye… but only AFTER Easter 2024.

If other states follow California’s lead… the FDA potentially could start to REALLY feel the heat. 

And that’s a good thing. 

The feds SHOULD feel like they’re under the gun… and not just to catch up to the safety standards of Europe…

But also to protect Americans from cancer and God-only-knows what else!

Parabens are KNOWN hormone disruptors… as they MIMIC estrogen…

And potassium bromate, sometimes used in bread, is a possible carcinogen. 

BVO, an ingredient in some sodas (especially citrus-flavored ones), has been linked to thyroid issues and neurological symptoms. 

They’re ALL bad news… and should be AVOIDED.

Problem is, the California ban doesn’t take effect until 2027. Unfortunately, that’s just how long it takes to make this kind of thing go away. 

So, once again, it’s YOUR duty to protect yourself… and not wait for the feds to do the right thing. 

Read your food labels… CAREFULLY. 

And if you follow my advice to shop in the PERIMETER of your supermarket… avoiding the interior aisles of packaged food… you’re more likely to DODGE the bullet of artificial dyes and factory chemicals.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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