Anti-inflammatory diet could help ease knee osteoarthritis

March 3, 2024

Is your diet FANNING the flames of knee OA?

You wake up feeling like the Tin Man from “The Wizard of Oz”…

But there’s one KEY difference. 

There’s not an oil can in the world that can LOOSEN up the stiffness in your joints!

And if you’ve got knee osteoarthritis… mornings can be the WORST.

You can practically FEEL your bones as they GRIND against one another… now that you haven’t got much cushioning left between them.

Give it a little time… and you might become a little more LIMBER throughout the day…

But this “wear and tear” form of arthritis is INFAMOUS for not letting up. 

You might THINK your only options for relief from the discomfort are SCARY injections… DANGEROUS drugs… or even USELESS surgical procedures…

But I’ve got good news for you today. 

Because there’s a very good reason why your knee joint feels WORSE some days than others…

And it’s something you have COMPLETE control over. 

Now, anyone with ANY form of arthritis will tell you that they can tell you when it’s about to rain. Their bodies are practically living, breathing barometers! 

But while you CAN’T change the weather… fortunately that’s not the ONLY factor that influences how uncomfortable your joints can get from day to day. 

According to a new study out of Australia, a MAJOR culprit behind knee OA flare-ups is your diet. 

Specifically, eating more “pro-inflammatory” foods was linked to MORE SEVERE pain levels. 

Now, the patients who scored high on the “Dietary Inflammatory Index” didn’t see the physical structure of their knees worsen. 

According to MRIs, they didn’t lose MORE cartilage… or develop MORE lesions… over the course of more than a decade of follow-ups.

The study’s authors suggest that the subjects’ food choices created a scenario of SYSTEMIC inflammation… which contributed to a MORE PAINFUL condition.

Fortunately, I’ve got a plan for EXTINGUISHING excess inflammation… and it doesn’t involve any of those USELESS therapies that the mainstream relies so HEAVILY on. 

First of all, focus on AVOIDING pro-inflammatory foods… like ultra-processed meats and grains… and SWITCHING to an anti-inflammatory style of eating, like the Mediterranean diet. 

Studies have shown that this dietary approach could help EASE pain… and IMPROVE physical function. 

Imagine being able to get out of bed… and not HOBBLE to the kitchen to get your morning coffee!

It may SOUND too good to be true… but it’s NOT. 

Next, start incorporating my “ABCs” for joint pain:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Boswellia
  • Curcumin.

This “triple threat” combo combines the BEST of the anti-inflammatory natural cures out there. 

Each of them are GOOD on their own… but they perform BEST when they’re together. 

Finally, try to get some movement in. I know your FIRST inclination is to rest when you’re in pain… but studies have shown that MOVING MORE actually helps knee OA patients cope with their condition. 

And I’ve found that physical therapy can actually be a powerful tool in helping BANISH inflammation when there are joint issues.

A 2020 study even found that PT could OUTPERFORM steroid shots!

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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