HMB helped improve memory in mice with Alzheimer’s

December 14, 2023

Could this ‘muscle-builder’ help preserve your precious memories?

It feels like just yesterday that Tony Bennett was crooning his heart out… as YOUNG and VITAL as ever. 

But we lost the famed singer in 2023… after struggling with an Alzheimer’s diagnosis he’d gotten nearly seven years prior. 

Of course, the “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” recording artist was 96 years old when he passed… and he’d led a good, long, fruitful life both personally and professionally. 

And he’s not the only celebrity we’ve seen GRAPPLE with memory loss while in the public eye. 

When it happens to someone so beloved, though, it helps shine a spotlight on a disease that too many people try to overcome SILENTLY and PRIVATELY. 

You can’t blame them. It’s HUMILIATING to not be able to remember names of people who’ve been in your life for DECADES… or to not be able to recall a story from the “good old days.”

But you DON’T have to sit back and watch your memories FADE with age. 

In fact, there’s one SURPRISING source of brain-building power that I GUARANTEE your mainstream doc would never share with you. 

He might not even know about it himself!

According to recent research, it’s a natural compound that’s already being used as a medical food to BEAT BACK muscle loss in older folks (a.k.a. sarcopenia) and cancer patients…


And it could be used to BUILD UP your brain brawn, too. 

It’s called HMB – and it’s popular among bodybuilders who are looking to BULK UP their muscles naturally. 

HMB fits the bill because it’s something our bodies already make in certain quantities. 

In this latest study, researchers found that this substance helped “rewire” neurons from the hippocampus region of mouse brains – a.k.a. the “memory center.”

Not only did this help IMPROVE communications between brain cells…

But it also helped STIMULATE factors that help the brain stay physically big… like the growth factor BDNF. 

See, as we get older… our brains start to SHRINK. And SHRUNKEN brains can’t hold onto memories as TIGHTLY as big, youthful ones. 

That’s why you need to do whatever it takes to keep your own brain tissue from SHRIVELING away!

Now, what happens in a lab under a microscope is certainly significant…

But what you want to know is how HMB could actually enact change in a REAL-WORLD setting. 

To test that, the study’s authors fed this substance to live mice that had been bred to develop Alzheimer’s and then taught them how to find their way through a maze. 

The HMB-treated group performed significantly better than the untreated group in terms of spatial memory and memory tasks in general.

And when the researchers texted the treated group’s brain tissue, they found markers of HMB – which shows its ability to CROSS the blood-brain barrier, the biggest obstacle for any oral treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. 

There was, however, a catch. 

HMB only seemed to work in mice whose brains contained a receptor involved in fat (a.k.a. lipid) metabolism, called PPAR-alpha.

But the good news is that humans carry this receptor as well… so the next research phase should be to see if HMB works in people!

In the meantime, don’t start taking HMB (or anything else) on your own… without a doctor’s evaluation and recommendation. 

There is something simple you can do, however, to COMBAT shrinkage…

And it doesn’t require a visit to your health food store. 


Studies have shown that “mindfulness” helps keep your brain BIG and strong… whether you’ve been doing it just a little while or your whole life.

And that means it’s not too late to start now… while you’ve still got a FIRM GRIP on your precious memories. 

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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