Even mild signs of depression linked to increased overall and cardiovascular mortality

January 29, 2024

How feeling DOWN in the DUMPS could land you in an early grave

Friend, we all get the blues now and again. 

The older we get… the more we have to deal with the grief over lost friends and loved ones…

The loneliness of an “empty nest”…

And the worries over money and health. 

No one could EVER question your mood taking a hit when something BAD happens. 

But some folks can’t seem to come out from under a dark cloud… no matter WHAT is going on in their lives. 

It’s depression – and it’s not just a “bummer.”

According to the latest research, it could be a LIFE-THREATENING condition!

And, no… that’s not an exaggeration. But maybe not for the reason you think. 

See, there’s a stereotype of depressed people that you might find them teetering on the ledge of a building, threatening to jump…

Or bellying up to a bar night after night, drinking themselves to death. 

Truth is, lots of folks experience depressive symptoms and still manage to move on in their lives. They may never show much of an outward sign of how much they’re SUFFERING inside. 

But a new study shows that even MILD signs of depression… maybe even just LOSING interest in doing the things you love… are linked to a 35% higher risk of death from ANY cause…

And a 49% higher risk of death from specifically cardiovascular causes. 

And whether you’re a guy or a gal… on the younger side or “long in the tooth”… it gets WAY worse with moderate or SEVERE depressive symptoms.

Now, a small fraction of the increase mortality risk could be attributed to lifestyle factors… like if you’re so depressed, you LOSE your appetite. Or, on the flip side, if you’re BINGING on junk food to try to make up for the fact that you feel like GARBAGE. 

Same goes for if you’re staying up all night WORRYING… or snoozing all day because you’re so depressed, you can’t get out of bed.

But that’s only about 11 to 16% of it. 

So, there’s clearly something ELSE going on… something BEYOND what the study subjects were DOING…

And tied specifically in to how they were FEELING.

Here’s what too many people DON’T understand about mood…

It’s not just a “mental” problem. A broken spirit is just as much a physical problem as a broken arm. 

The authors of this latest study suggest that the tie between mood and mortality may have to do with excess inflammation… which has been detected in depressed patients…

Or the release of stress hormones, not the least of which is cortisol (although that’s not the ONLY one). 

Friend, the big takeaway here is that EVERYTHING is connected…

And if your mental health isn’t on the right track, it could lead to blood pressure woes… heart rhythm issues… and vessel dysfunction. 

It’s even been linked to blood becoming too thick!

But don’t take this as a reason to start up on one of those “mood meds,” like an antidepressant pill. Your FIRST line of defense should be tapping into ways that your body – and mind – can heal itself. 

I’ve found tremendous power in aromatherapy and meditation…

And don’t underestimate the strength you’ll get from confiding in someone… be it a friend or a therapist or a pastor.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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