Added sugars linked to heart disease

January 10, 2024

Excess sugar could TAKE AIM at your heart health… like a SNIPER

You stay ON TOP of your blood pressure… get some CARDIO in… and keep your weight IN CHECK. 

You may THINK you’re doing everything you can for your heart health…

And you may even be keeping your heart doc off your back. 

But there’s ONE bad habit that could HIJACK all those “good” behaviors – something that might SEEM innocent, but could have DEVASTATING repercussions. 

And it has to do with your sweet tooth. 

That’s right – in a recent study, sugar intake was linked to higher risk for coronary heart disease. 

That means even if your blood glucose is PERFECT… and you’re not in the crosshairs for type 2 diabetes…

You STILL want to rein in your sugar intake. 

There’s a trick to it, though…

Because not all sugars were created equally. 

Some naturally-occurring sugars… like the fructose found in whole fruits and vegetables… WON’T necessarily sabotage your heart health. 

In fact, they could help PROTECT it!

But fruit juices are ANOTHER story…

And added sugars… like those found in sweetened sodas, energy drinks, or pumpkin spice lattes… could really do a number on your heart health. 

Know how much added sugar the average adult American consumes in a year? About 60 POUNDS of it!

According to this latest study, that’s WAY too much…


Because it could lead to a heart attack… or even death from heart disease...

Thanks to all the excess inflammation it can UNLEASH throughout your body. 

Friend, you may not even KNOW how much sugar you’re consuming… because Big Food has become adept at HIDING it in foods that don’t SEEM sweet…

Like ketchup… salad dressing… and even bread.

They might show up on ingredient lists under different names… like “dextrose” or “maltose” or “corn syrup.” That’s why it’s important to check BOTH the “added sugars” and “total sugars” amounts on the nutritional labels. 

And when it comes to starches… because your body CONVERTS them into sugar, they could increase your heart risk as well, according to this latest study. 

Now, this shouldn’t come as a HUGE surprise… as sugar has previously been linked to cancer risk…

And a study published earlier this year found no fewer than 45 negative health impacts from too much added sugar!

The OBVIOUS ones include excess weight gain… and tooth decay…

But don’t UNDERESTIMATE sugar’s potential for leading to OTHER conditions… like stroke, mood issues, gout, and even asthma!

Truth is, if you’ve been TRYING to eat “healthy”… you might’ve been DUPED by the anti-fat, anti-cholesterol lobby.

In fact, you might’ve developed a FALSE sense of security when it comes to sugar!

Friend, you’re better off eating a juicy steak… a slab of organic bacon… or a hunk of FULL-FAT cheese…

Rather than letting excess sugars turn your heart health SOUR.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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