Another Alzheimer’s drug fails clinical trials, despite clearing beta-amyloid

December 31, 2023

HERE’S what’s wrong with Alzheimer’s drug development

My jaw dropped. 

Because I’ve been waiting for the mainstream to ADMIT the sad truth that’s been STARING them in the face all along. 

And then I read this headline: “World's Leading Theory on Alzheimer's in Crisis After Major Drug Trials Fail.”

That “theory” has to do with beta-amyloid – or the “plaques” of misfolded proteins that are sometimes found in the brain tissue of Alzheimer’s patients. 

Problem is, some folks with Alzheimer’s show ZERO signs of amyloid deposits… and some folks with ZERO cognitive decline test positive for amyloid. 

There’s not even a clear CORRELATION… but somehow, mainstream experts have STAKED their reputation on CAUSATION…

That is, that these protein clumps are the CULPRIT behind Alzheimer’s. 

Big Pharma has been WORKING OVERTIME to develop drugs that “clear” brains of amyloid…

And guess what? They don’t work. 

But nobody’s been willing to COP to their mistake… and reverse course. 

Well, this latest FAILURE might finally be the thing to turn the tide…

Because the drug that’s being tested… a monoclonal antibody formulation called gantenerumab… performed NO BETTER than the placebo at improving cognition in TWO separate trials. 

And that might just be the last straw…

Especially considering what the accompanying editorial had to say: “Depending on one's perspective, the results of the antibody trials to date either reinforce confidence in this therapeutic approach and its clinical meaningfulness or support a view that the effects are small, unreliable, and barely distinguishable from no effect.

That pretty much sums up ALL drug trials, if you ask me!

Because some Big Pharma-backed researchers have made an entire BUSINESS out of manipulating statistics to work in their favor…

And to make sure the evidence tells the story they WANT it to tell. 

The SADDEST part of this is how drugmakers and the feds have COLLUDED to give Alzheimer’s patients and those who love them FALSE HOPE… 

By greenlighting two OTHER drugs that work in the SAME way… and, quite frankly, have pretty THIN science backing them up. 

One of those approved drugs, lecanemab, costs a whopping $26,500 a year. And some of those “in the know” are questioning whether it’s worth the cost… OR the risk, as three study subjects DIED during clinical trials. 

Listen, I don’t RELISH the fact that we haven’t yet found a CURE for Alzheimer’s disease. My heart goes out to patients who can’t maintain a firm grip on their precious memories… and I pray for their families. 

But I’m sick and tired of the mainstream STICKING with a theory that’s clearly WRONG… and REFUSING to reverse course!

Instead of trying to DRUG dementia away… I’d like to see folks with memory loss BOOST their nutrition…

Namely by following the Mediterranean diet… including some nice red wine…

And supplementing with nutrients like berberine… vitamin D… B vitamins… and more.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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