Here’s why you could need at least 10,000 IU of vitamin D for heart health

February 2, 2024

Mainstream RDA on vitamin D supplements is WAY too low to make a difference

Have you noticed that these younger docs out there have WISED UP…

And instead of just asking you which prescriptions you’re taking…

They ALSO ask about your supplements?

But it’s NOT because they’ve come around to “our” side… and are EMBRACING natural alternatives to better health. 

In fact, they’re just SETTING YOU UP…

Because as soon as you tell them about any of the herbs or nutrients you’ve incorporated into your daily routine… they’re ready to POUNCE on you…

And tell you how WORTHLESS they are!

Now, with some docs… there DOES seem to be an exception…

And that’s with vitamins. For some reason, they just LOVE telling folks to take their daily multis. 

Problem is, most multivitamins don’t actually pack a BIG ENOUGH punch to even make a difference!

That’s because their formulas follow mainstream recommendations for your daily allowance of vitamins and minerals…

Which we in the natural health world have been complaining are way too low… FOR YEARS.

MY recommended dose of vitamin D, for instance, is 10,000 IU – but the mainstream acts like that’s enough to make you OVERDOSE on the “sunshine vitamin”!

Friend, they’re just plain wrong. And now we have PROOF.

At least when it comes to heart health.

The RDA of vitamin D is 800 IU for folks over 70…

But according to a recent study,  that CAN’T get them to reach optimum blood levels…

And that prior studies that made it LOOK like vitamin D was failing to improve heart health might’ve just SHORTCHANGED the participants…

Giving them TOO LOW of a dose for them to experience a therapeutic benefit. 

Now, we KNOW that folks with low D are in the crosshairs for heart attacks… stroke… and more.

But in this latest study, the researchers found that for the majority of participants to get their levels up to where they need to be, they needed AT LEAST 5000 to 8000 IU of vitamin D daily. 

And a significant percentage – 14.6%, to be exact – showed that they needed a MINIMUM of 10,000 IU daily. 

Like many natural interventions, vitamin D isn’t a “quick fix.” In fact, it took at least three months for the vast majority of participants to reach their target D levels while supplementing… and for 25% of them, it took six months. 

That makes me think some of those past studies were cut off just too darn early!

The other thing about vitamin D is that isn’t NOT just a “one-trick pony.” It’s actually a HERO vitamin that can BOOST your health in a NUMBER of ways…

From STRENGTHENING your bones…

To SHORING UP your immune defenses…

And even UPLIFTING your mood. 

But if you’re taking the MEASLY amount that today’s mainstream “experts” are recommending… you might just be FLUSHING your good money down the toilet. 

Invest in a good, high-dose vitamin D3 supplement… start taking it now… and STICK with it…

And you’re likely to reap COUNTLESS benefits from it. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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