FDA won’t object to health claims on yogurt packaging regarding type 2 diabetes risk reduction

April 8, 2024

Blood sugar woes? Feds give misunderstood snack the GREEN LIGHT

I’d never thought I’d see the day. 

See, the medical mainstream game plan has always seemed to work like this…

IGNORE advice about disease prevention… then INUNDATE patients who develop that disease with propaganda about Big Pharma’s Rx meds.

The meds may MASK the symptoms… but they don’t CURE the disease…

Making the patient a LIFELONG customer. 

It’s a formula that’s brought in BIG money to drug companies… hospitals… and private practices alike. 

So I was pretty shocked to see the headline “FDA Says Eating Yogurt May Reduce Diabetes Risk” in the ultra-mainstream publication MedPage Today

Now, that doesn’t mean that the feds are actually RECOMMENDING you consume yogurt – a healthy snack that’s been widely MISUNDERSTOOD, especially in its full-fat form (a.k.a. the HEALTHIEST version you’ll find).

But they’re not OBJECTING to brands that want to claim that consuming yogurt may help keep type 2 diabetes at bay… or even go so far as to put that claim on their packaging. 

That means they’re forced to ADMIT that the science is pretty strong – including one Harvard study that showed how a “daily dose” of yogurt was linked to a 17% lower risk of developing type 2. 

That’s just ONE serving of yogurt a day!

Eating LESS than that could still move the needle… but the MINIMUM number of servings per week in order to BEAT BACK diabetes is 3.

Now, that was true in the study whether the yogurt was in its NATURAL form (a.k.a. full fat)… or whether it was PROCESSED to be “low fat” or “fat free.”

But ANOTHER team of researchers subsequently found that study subjects who consumed the MOST dairy fat had a 50% lower diabetes risk than those who consumed the LEAST…


Which makes the case for eating yogurt as nature INTENDED it… with ALL the fat intact!

There appears to be something special about yogurt and its possible effect on diabetes risk – that is, compared to other dairy items like milk or cheese. 

And that has to do with the fermentation process… which results in those natural probiotics you’ve heard so much about. 

Research has shown that fermented foods help IMPROVE the diversity of your microbiome… or the colonies of “good bugs” taking up residence in your gut. 

They also help BANISH inflammation…

And BOTH of those factors are linked to blood sugar woes… and full-flown diabetes.

Eating fermented foods has also shown to help BEAT BACK diabetic complications… which are what can make the disease REALLY miserable when you’ve already got it.

Now, not all yogurts were created equal… and I don’t just mean their fat content. 

Greek yogurt reigns supreme when it comes to packing a protein PUNCH… as well as offering a healthy dose of probiotics.  Another option is Icelandic skyr… which, like Greek yogurt, is strained to make it more potent.

Whichever you choose, be sure to buy it plain… and then add your own ingredients to jazz it up, like fresh berries or a light drizzle of organic honey. 

Too many of the “flavored” yogurts out there are just sugar bombs… and if they say they contain ZERO sugar, they might contain artificial sweeteners that could still SABOTAGE your blood sugar control.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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