Private equity firms creating monopolies in medical groups

January 24, 2024

Is your healthcare being managed by MONEY MEN?

It’s something you NEVER hear about when you visit your doc’s office… or check into a hospital for something routine. 

But there’s a DARK secret behind the way that the healthcare system is being run today…

A seismic SHIFT in the “behind-the-scenes” workings of the places where patients receive care. 

See, private equity firms have been SNAPPING UP physician groups… essentially creating a MONOPOLY of medical practices. 

And finally, the FTC is sitting up and taking notice. 

Because the feds have taken these “money men” to court… accusing them of unfairly trying to DOMINATE the market!

Long gone are the days of the local country doctor… the one that helped deliver you and would take care of you as you grew up, celebrating every life milestone right alongside you. 

Now, physician practices have been CORPORATIZED.

These finance guys in charge have got dollar signs in their eyes… as they ELIMINATE healthy competition…

And JACK UP the prices…

Leaving patients with ZERO alternatives.

One study showed how acquisition by a private equity firm triggered prices to SOAR by as much as 26%.

And that’s nothing short of EXTORTION.

This gets worse…

Because once these portfolio managers TAKE OVER operations with teams THEY select… they then FLIP the business to other investors looking to CASH IN.

The straw that broke the camel’s back for the feds was a large group of anesthesiologists that started in Texas and EXPANDED to eight states…

But this has been going on for YEARS… among groups of primary care physicians, radiologists, and specialists like dermatologists and eye docs, to boot…

Without a HINT of regulation. 

But you can bet when the bean counters are DICTATING how to care for patients…

Care facilities are winding up UNDERSTAFFED… and care workers are urged to CUT CORNERS when it comes to patient safety. 

I’m hoping this is just the FIRST step in increased scrutiny over this MONEY-GRUBBING practice…

In which “mergers and acquisitions” take precedence over health and wellness!

Listen, maybe I’m old fashioned… but I still place A LOT of value on the personal touch. I don’t like the thought of putting anybody’s heath in the hands of a “chain” practice. 

It’s one of the reasons I encourage folks to seek out the care of an integrative doc… who’s much more likely to operate INDEPENDENTLY…

And not have his practice DICTATED by Mr. Monopoly. 

But depending on where you live… you may not have a CHOICE over the anesthesiologist knocking you out for surgery… or the guy taking your X-rays. 

If you think a medical group you’re receiving care from might be part of this SICK scheme… especially if your care costs have recently SKYROCKETED…

You can actually report an anti-trust violation to the FTC

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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