SLAM the brakes on bone loss with soy-derived ipriflavone

December 16, 2023

FORTIFY your bones… even despite osteoporosis… with this ‘soy secret’

Friend, you may think that it’s INEVITABLE that you’ll become frail as you get older…

That one misstep and a fall should SHATTER your bones into a million pieces. 

But while some older folks DO lose bone with age…

And others suffer such severe bone loss, it develops into full-blown osteoporosis…

It is NOT a fate you just have to “live with.”

In fact, I don’t want you to just “get used” to the idea of weak bones… because it is possible to STAY STRONG…

Well into your golden years. 

One secret to UNBREAKABLE bones is over a CENTURY old… but it’s not one of those bone meds the mainstream is constantly trying to CONVINCE you to take. 

In fact, it’s a natural drug alternative… one that comes out of Asia, whose long history with herbal medicine is well-established. 

Even better, the science behind it is SOLID…


But there’s a trick to doing it just right… which I’ll share with you in a moment. 

First, let’s talk about soy… which is where this bone-building substance comes from. 

Now, you might’ve heard that soy is BAD for you – but that’s not ENTIRELY true. 

See, soybeans are legumes… and as a vegetable, they can actually be quite healthy for you. 

Problem is, soy on its own can mimic estrogen… which can throw your sex hormone balance OUT OF WHACK, whether you’re a guy or a gal. 

And most of the soy you’ll find in THIS country has been SOAKED in glyphosate… and genetically modified to withstand the toxic chemical onslaught. 

That’s why I recommend most folks AVOID American soy products… unless they know EXACTLY where they’re coming from… and what’s been done to them!

But in Asia, their soybeans are typically already non-GMO… and they prepare them in a way to MAXIMIZE their health benefits and MINIMIZE anything that might cause concern. (That’s why you often find soy in the form of bean curd in China, Korea, and Japan.)

That brings us to the soy-derived substance I mentioned earlier. 

It’s called ipriflavone – and it helps BUILD bone by helping promote “bone-growing” cells (called osteoblasts) and helping suppress “bone-eating” cells (called osteoclasts).

A 2020 meta-analysis found that it helps increase bone mineral density in post-menopausal women…

But unfortunately, most mainstream bone docs aren’t on board with this yet.

There IS, however, one industry that’s begun to EMBRACE ipriflavone. 


See, taking bone meds for osteoporosis actually ups your risk factor for bone loss in your jaw… and the mainstream officially recommends AGAINST taking them if you’ve got any issues with loose teeth or tooth loss. 

So, dentists and endodontists instead recommend patients take ipriflavone to help support the success of dental implants joining up with the natural bone tissue or grafted bone tissue… a process known as osseointegration. 

Now, most studies and recommendations see ipriflavone combined with calcium… but DON’T bother with calcium tablets. 

They’re GARBAGE… and they could do more harm than good!

Simply get plenty of calcium from your diet… by eating plenty of full-fat dairy and other calcium-rich foods… and you’ll be all set.

But what about those concerns over soy I mentioned earlier?

Fortunately, studies have shown that ipriflavone is non-estrogenic, which addresses the first one. 

And secondly, it is possible to find non-GMO ipriflavone… like one offered by Bluebonnet Nutrition. 

You’ll also find soy-free versions of ipriflavone out there… but that means it’s a SYNTHETIC version of the soy protein… made in a laboratory from God-knows-what.

I tend to prefer NATURALLY-derived ingredients in supplements… but do your research and see what you feel comfortable with. 

And don’t forget ESSENTIAL bone-building vitamins D3 and K2… along with minerals like magnesium, boron, and selenium.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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