Ultra-processed white bread liked to higher colorectal cancer risk

January 19, 2024

This ULTRA-PROCESSED food could put you in the crosshairs for colon cancer

It’s the third-most common cancer among Americans…

And it DOESN’T discriminate. 

I’m talking about colorectal cancer…

Which strikes both older guys and older gals in this country… and is the second leading cause of cancer death among them, combined.

Yet the mainstream doesn’t offer MUCH in the way of helping us actually keep it bay!

Sure, there are colon cancer screenings… like the colonoscopies that they’re harassing patients as young as 45 about getting. 

I’d like to give them a piece of my mind about how DANGEROUS those are!

But they’ve got NOTHING else -- short of shoving a camera where the sun don’t shine.

Well, I’ve got something for you today… something to AVOID like the PLAGUE if you want to keep your colon cancer risk in check. 

It may SEEM harmless… especially since it’s a pantry STAPLE in so many Americans’ households.

But it’s hiding a DARK secret.

In a new study, white bread has been IMPLICATED in spiking colorectal cancer risk, especially among older fellas.

Now, I know bread in general has been made out to be the DEVIL when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet…

But the issue seems to be specifically tied to white bread… a refined carb…

And NOT all grains in general. 

In fact, whole grains had the OPPOSITE effect… actually helping IMPROVE the study subjects’ chances when it came to colorectal cancer.

See, white bread is an ULTRA-PROCESSED food… which means it’s been through the RINGER before it ever makes it to your plate.

The scariest part of this study for me was that it was based on folks’ eating habits in Europe…

Where certain harsh chemicals used to BLEACH flour within an inch of its life are actually BANNED.

So I’m betting that if you were to apply this study to Americans… eating white bread from THIS country…


The scales would be tipped even FARTHER in the wrong direction. 

It’s not just white bread, according to this latest research…

But also other “factory-made” foods… like processed meats. 

Friend, put down that ham sandwich before taking even ONE MORE BITE!

Because your colon health could be in the crosshairs…

And staying FAR away from ultra-processed foods could keep you out of an early grave.

Fortunately, this study I just mentioned does offer something in the way of being PROACTIVE when it comes to your cancer risk…

Including some ingredients that you should definitely RAMP UP in your diet because of how they can STAVE OFF colorectal cancer. 

They are…

  • dietary fiber (that’s where those whole grains come into play)
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus, and 
  • manganese.

Mind you, the researchers were looking at WHOLE FOODS that the participants were eating… NOT supplements. 

So these findings can act as a guide for putting together your anti-cancer meal plan. 

For calcium, go with full-fat dairy items… like milk, yogurt, and cheese.

For magnesium, choose a nice, juicy steak… or go “surf and turf” with some fresh lobster… with a side of leafy greens.

A handful of nuts provides a one-two punch of magnesium and phosphorus…

And you can wash it all down with manganese-rich coffee or tea.

There are plenty of other options out there, too… so do your research, friend. 

And by gosh, stay away from the processed junk!

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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