Long-term adverse events associated with Covid vax

January 22, 2024

Covid vaccine side effect could take hold… and REFUSE to let go

They used SCARE tactics to put the FEAR OF GOD in you about catching Covid…

And they made it SEEM like the ONLY way to avoid SEVERE illness was to roll up your sleeve and get the jab. 

It was supposed to keep you out of the hospital, they said. 

It would keep you out of an early grave caused by a Covid infection, they promised. 

So, folks who meant well, but didn’t know any better, SCRAMBLED to get the vaccine.

And then came the RUDE awakening. 

Some of them got sick anyway! And their loved ones caught the virus, too. 

But that’s not the WORST of it…

Because there’s a NASTY risk of the Covid vaccine… one you NEVER heard about during that ONSLAUGHT of propaganda. 

I’m talking about long-term side effects… also known as “long vax.”

Now, I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “Long Covid” – the condition that strikes some folks who still haven’t quite recovered from their coronavirus infection. 

For these poor souls, once the Covid virus took hold… it NEVER quite loosened its grip. 

Months or even YEARS later… they’re dealing with DEVASTATING fatigue and brain fog, on top of a MYRIAD of other symptoms. 

Turns out, it’s not just limited to the viral infection – because a recent survey shows that some folks are experiencing post-vaccination syndrome (PVS). 

They can barely get up and move around… they can’t think clearly… and they experience nerve pain and numbness. 

Gee, sounds an awful lot like Long Covid!

And based on the timeline, it’s pretty clear we can attribute what they’ve been experiencing to the shot.

For instance, symptoms began to emerge as soon as just three days after getting the vax… even if it was just the FIRST vax…


And if they NEVER received one those “boosters” that were being PUSHED on us. 

The sad truth is, these folks got vaccinated in good faith… CONVINCED they’d be protecting those they love from getting sick…

And meanwhile, they’ve fallen victim to CHRONIC illness. 

They report that their quality of life has taken a NOSEDIVE…

And their mood is in the TOILET.

The study’s authors say that “long vax” is RARE…

But this is brand-new science. We’re less than four years after the emergence of this pandemic-level virus… and it just hasn’t been long enough for us to know what the REAL repercussions of the vax are.

Besides, vaccine adverse events are notoriously UNDERREPORTED… 

And since PLENTY of folks who got vaxxed got sick with Covid anyway… I wonder how many attributed their symptoms to Long Covid instead of long vax?

Unfortunately, it may be IMPOSSIBLE to know if certain folks were TAKEN DOWN by the virus… or the vax. 

But even if it’s legitimately POSSIBLE that it was the vax… it’s time for a RECKONING in mainstream medicine. 

Because this is EXACTLY what folks were afraid of… and why so many Americans have REFUSED the jab. 

I wouldn’t blame them for breathing a sigh of relief right now… and feeling like they’ve DODGED a bullet.

If you got the shot… whether or not you’ve been boosted… I encourage you to monitor your health very closely. If you suspect ANYTHING you’re experiencing could be traced back to the Covid vaccine, don’t keep it to yourself. 

The CDC set up the V-Safe program specifically to track responses to Covid vaccines… and you can complete health check-ins online there. 

Or, you can report side effects through the Department of Health and Human Services’ Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS for short. 

Will it fall upon deaf ears? Friend, I don’t really know. 

But if you DON’T report what happens to you… you could be ENABLING an overly laid-back approach to introducing potentially DANGEROUS vaccines. 

Both the drugmakers and the feds need to be held accountable to the fullest extent that the system allows. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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