Consuming more than 2 liters of sweetened beverages weekly linked to 20% higher afib risk

April 10, 2024

Could this DANGEROUS daily habit make your heart SKIP a beat?

If you’ve ever flipped on your television set… or tuned into the radio…

You’re BOUND to have encountered an advertisement for one of those Rx drugs used to treat a heart rhythm issue known as afib. 

Short for atrial fibrillation, afib happens when the muscles of your heart contract in a way that creates an IRREGULAR heartbeat…

A situation that can lead to stroke… one that’s typically MORE severe than those caused by other factors. 

In fact, afib could TRIPLE… or even QUADRUPLE… your stroke risk… or WORSE!

It is a NASTY condition… and you definitely DO NOT want to develop it. 

But while the mainstream is spending all of this time… and money… trying to sell ways to TREAT afib…

What I’m NOT hearing is how to STOP it in its tracks… BEFORE it takes hold!

Now, there are some physical and structural issues that can cause afib… like problems with a heart valve. 

And there are OTHER conditions that can HIJACK your heart rhythm, too… like type 2 diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, and more. 

But you may NOT have heard how there are lifestyle factors that can ALSO trigger afib… like smoking and drinking too much booze. 

There’s something else – something I GUARANTEE your doc has not tried to STEER you away from because of its link to afib risk. 

According to new research out of China, it’s drinking excess amounts of sweetened beverages. 

Over the course of 10 years, that one daily habit appears to JACK UP afib risk by a whopping 20%, compared to those who NEVER consume these drinks. 

We’re not talking NATURALLY sweet juices… like 100% OJ…


But drinks with ADDED sugars… whether that’s sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, or fruit juice concentrates.

That means sodas… energy drinks (and so-called “sports” drinks)… fruit punches… lemonade… and more.

And the threshold appears to be 8.5 cups a week.

That’s a little more than one two-liter bottle per week… or just over one cup per day (or about 9.7 ounces, less than what’s in a can of coke).

But the risk doesn’t stop there. Because “diet” sodas and other artificially sweetened drinks AREN’T a safe option, either. 

Although the study didn’t look at specific sugar substitutes… overall I’m going to assume NONE of them are safe, whether it’s aspartame or a sugar alcohol like erythritol (found in some “zero sugar” drinks and flavored waters).

Now, this was an observational study… so it doesn’t PROVE that sweetened drinks actually CAUSE afib. 

But I don’t like the association it DID find. 

I suppose some of it is expected… since the folks who most commonly consume sweetened beverages (whether sugar-sweetened or artificially-sweetened) are often those who struggle to maintain their weight. 

And obesity is also a risk factor for afib. 

But no matter WHAT the reason is… to stay out of the crosshairs of these DANGEROUS palpitations, you’ll want to DITCH the soft drinks and other sugar bombs in a bottle altogether. 

I like to flavor my water with Red Joe water-soluble powdered rooibos extract… which is great for hydration and tastes a bit like tea. 

If it’s the fizz you’re after… go for seltzers flavored with natural fruits. 

And for dinner, feel free to raise a glass of red wine… which could actually SUPPORT heart health and LOWER afib risk!

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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