Alzheimer’s disease linked to brain shrinkage

February 14, 2024

Worried about Alzheimer’s risk? Here’s how to see if your brain is SHRINKING

Friend, if there’s ONE thing you NEVER want to lose as you get older… it’s your precious memories.

Sure, you may lose some hair off the top of your head…

Your vision might start to fade a little…

And you might become a little hard of hearing. 

But if I had to choose, I know I’d opt for staying SHARP AS A TACK well into my “golden years.”

And for many seniors, the thought of becoming a little FOGGIER over time is downright TERRIFYING. 

Problem is, the mainstream is barking up the WRONG tree when it comes to trying to find Alzheimer’s solutions…

Which is why NONE of their drugs actually WORK when it comes to slowing or stopping the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. 

There’s something ELSE, my friend – something they’re IGNORING. 

ANOTHER factor acts as a CLEAR sign of your risk for cognitive decline…

And best of all, there’s something you can DO about it. 

I’ll share that with you in a moment…

But first, let’s dispel some of the common MISCONCEPTIONS in conventional care. 

See, conventional care has gotten WRAPPED UP in the idea that Alzheimer’s disease is tied to the formation of “plaques and tangles” – misfolded proteins in the brain known as beta-amyloid and tau. 

So, it follows that the drugs Big Pharma is CHURNING out all try to SHRINK those brain deposits… or keep them forming in the first place.

But mainstream researchers are TURNING A BLIND EYE to the fact that not all Alzheimer’s patients’ brains actually EXHIBIT signs of those protein clumps…

And some folks develop plaques and tangles… and NEVER show any signs of cognitive decline!

It’s abundantly clear that there’s no one-to-one relationship between the symptom and the disease… and ZERO sign of a direct cause and effect. 

There is, however, ANOTHER key indicator of brain health – and this is one you’ll DEFINITELY want to know about. 

Even better, it’s possible to accurately MEASURE it… which is more than I can say for beta-amyloid and tau proteins (which we don’t REALLY know the full extent of until an autopsy can be performed).

I’m talking about brain shrinkage.

In a recent study, researchers found that the FASTER the “memory center” of the brain (or hippocampus) shrank… the more that cognitive decline ACCELERATED.

And even MORE interestingly… the hippocampal atrophy was UNRELATED to any amyloid or tau deposits.

Here’s the kicker…


Some of those pharmaceutical drugs that were designed to FIGHT amyloid deposits actually WORSEN brain shrinkage.

No wonder they don’t help save your precious memories!

Fortunately, docs can measure your brain volume at the FIRST sign of cognitive impairment… or even earlier… by looking at your brain via an MRI screening. 

Now, MRIs are typically safer than X-rays or CT scans in terms of radiation exposure… but they’re NOT the kind of thing you’d want to get on a regular basis.

But now that you KNOW you want to support healthy brain volume… and keep your brain BIG for as long as you can…

You can come up with a plan to keep SHRINKAGE at bay for as long as possible. 

Here are some MAJOR shrink-inducing factors to avoid, pronto:

  • addictive drugs, like marijuana and opioids
  • social isolation, and
  • air pollution.

You might think there’s NOTHING you can do about that last one… short of investing in a HEPA filter at home…

But the good news is, you can COMBAT the ill effects of particulate matter on your by boosting your intake of omega-3s!

Other therapies that have shown to SLOW or even REVERSE brain shrinkage include taking B vitamins… 

And getting a little more aerobic exercise… like walking or even dancing.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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