Ulcerative colitis tissue damage REVERSED by vitamin B12 supplementation

January 13, 2024

REPAIR gut damage from UC with this ‘energy’ vitamin

One minute… you feel just FINE. 

And the next… you’re RUNNING to the toilet. 

You can’t STOMACH the thought of eating anything…

And it feels like the flare-up will NEVER end.

That’s a typical day in the life of someone with ulcerative colitis (UC for short)…

When flare-ups can STRIKE without warning…

And NO conventional approach can provide relief. 

Oh sure, there are some RISKY meds from Big Pharma…

But the drugmakers aren’t even sure what CAUSES this condition… so they sure as heck don’t have a clue how to CURE it.

Worst case scenario, they’ll try to SLICE you open… and CUT OUT parts of your lower intestine!

Friend, don’t let your treatment get that RADICAL…

At least, not before trying a natural therapy that new research shows could help.

I’m talking about vitamin B12. 

That’s right, this humble – but hardworking – B vitamin was found to help REPAIR damaged tissue in a recent study out Spain. 

It could LITERALLY help heal your gut…

And that could help REVERSE the symptoms of this DEBILITATING inflammatory condition in your colon. 

Now, you might’ve heard how B12 helps REGENERATE damaged nerves… and could even help with muscle repair. 

Turns out, this hero vitamin’s mechanisms also extend to the delicate tissues of the gut lining… which TAKE A BEATING with the onslaught of inflammation that accompanies UC.

In the study, researchers found that mice that supplemented with vitamin B12 saw FASTER tissue repair.

And in another study by the same research team, B12 helped EXTINGUISH some of that excess inflammation. 

UC tends to create gut microbiome changes that are associated with a B12 deficiency…

Which could be one of the reasons why you feel so DRAINED with this condition. 

After all, vitamin B12 is nicknamed the “energy vitamin”!

Fortunately, you can REPLENISH your depleted B12 supply…

But don’t bother with those popular vitamin shots.

In addition to whole food sources… like beef, seafood, and whole-fat dairy… the best way to get your B12 is by taking supplements. 

You can find this B vitamin in capsule form from many quality makers, as either methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin.  

An ideal dose for REVERSING a deficiency is 2000 mcg (or 2 mg) daily. Make sure to drink plenty of water with it.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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