Taking ADHD meds for years ups heart disease risk

January 5, 2024

DRUGGING UP ‘hyperactive’ kids is putting heart health at risk

You’ve got the grandkids for the day… and they’re running CIRCLES around you. 

You remember what it was like when you were that age, don’t you?

Back in my day, us kids got up to no good… and stayed out till the streetlights came on…

And NOBODY told us we needed to “calm down”… or even SIT STILL!

We rode our bikes way too fast downhill… tried to race the trains running along the tracks… looked for buried treasure…

And wound up ankle-deep in mud more than once. 

What can I say? We were kids.

But that was then… and today, children aren’t ALLOWED to tire themselves out with some good ol’ fashioned mischief.

They’re STUCK inside all day… STARING at their smartphones or tablets…

And if they DARE get fidgety… or SPEAK UP… they get SLAPPED with a medical diagnosis.

I’m talking about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short.

You know what comes next…

Because in mainstream medicine, every diagnosed condition needs to be treated with a DRUG. 

And that’s how Big Pharma has managed to capture its YOUNGEST consumer base.

We’re now finding out the SHOCKING truth behind some of the potential dangers of those ADHD drugs…

And it’s not just that they could turn NORMAL, active kids into DOCILE zombies!

If one of your grandkids has been “acting up”… here’s the risk you need to know about. 

Now, a child could be diagnosed with ADHD as young as 4 years old… and get an Rx for an ADHD med as young as 6!

A TYPICAL kid that age is going to be pretty DISORDERLY… 

And even if they’re a little MORE of a troublemaker than you’d expect…

Well, they’re likely to grow out of it soon enough… especially with PROPER discipline. 

With the right approach, you can CONTROL their behaviors… without MEDICATING them!

That’s why I consider this whole ADHD business a total SCAM. 

Before I read this latest research, I was ALREADY against the prescribing of ADHD meds for ANYBODY… much less CHILDREN…

Particularly because they’re STIMULANTS… and young folks who take them often get HOOKED for life!

But the findings from a new study are even MORE alarming – because they show that taking ADHD meds for years on end can send heart risk soaring. 

For one, there’s hypertension… which you’d expect, since an “upper” is likely to send anybody’s heart rate through the roof. 

But there’s also the risk for artery disease… which to me is a little more ALARMING, since that seems to kind of come out of nowhere. 

Now, the BIGGEST increase in risk comes in the first three years of taking the meds…

But the odds continue to get WORSE with each additional year that passes. 

Friend, your grandkids are TOO YOUNG to have to have a cardiologist as part of their care team. 

And even if you THINK that cardiovascular disease is a non-issue for someone so young… consider what happens when they get OLDER… and have been on these drugs for years, or even DECADES.

The FIRST thing I’d like to see happen with a “hyperactive” child… BEFORE filling any script… is getting them OFF sugar, including sugary and caffeinated drinks. 

I would also encourage them to spend time in nature… out of doors… where they can run around like little wildebeests. If they’ve got an outlet… someplace they can get it all out of their systems… they’re more likely to be able to settle down for some “quiet time.”

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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