Psoriasis severity and complications linked to vitamin D deficiency

April 15, 2024

Why the ‘sunshine vitamin’ offers a one-two PUNCH for psoriasis

It’s no wonder that psoriasis has earned a reputation for “heartbreak.”

After all, it SABOTAGES your confidence… with an ERUPTION of red, patchy skin and thick, silvery scales…

But that’s not all. 

It also DISRUPTS your sleep… and sometimes causes PAINFUL, SWOLLEN joints. 

You LOOK like hell… and you FEEL even worse!

But there may be a key to UNLOCKING psoriasis relief… hidden in the tremendous powers of a humble vitamin. 

I’m talking about vitamin D. 

See, psoriasis patients often have low levels of D… and according to a 2023 study out of Brown University, the more SEVERE the vitamin deficiency, the WORSE the symptoms!

On the flipside, having HIGHER levels of D was associated with psoriasis affecting the LEAST amount of body surface on study subjects. 

In fact, there are topical vitamin D ointments used to treat psoriasis… but those are only available with a doctor’s prescription. 

An easier way may be getting your D from your diet… from supplements… or from spending some healthy time outside. 

After all, vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because your skin helps manufacture its own supply of D by converting UV rays from the sun. 

Not surprisingly, psoriasis patients find some symptom relief from their symptoms by getting sun exposure…

And UV light therapy is sometimes used to treat skin with psoriasis as well. 

Both of those treatments help improve cell turnover – which means the skin can get rid of its dead cells and REPLACE them with brand-new, healthy cells. 

But the connection between psoriasis and the sunshine vitamin doesn’t stop there. 

Because there’s also a connection between this so-called “skin disease” and a disease marked by bone loss – a.k.a. osteoporosis. 

Researchers haven’t quite figured out whether the psoriasis comes first… and causes the bone loss…

Or whether the bones start thinning and THEN the psoriasis takes hold. 

Either way, vitamin D can help. 

We know that D helps build bone… primarily by supporting the ways in which our bodies absorb and use calcium. 

This powerhouse vitamin also supports bone mineralization – the process by which new bone cells harden and become strong. 

And one hallmark of osteoporosis is reduced bone mineral density. 

In patients with psoriasis, sometimes the process of bone formation gets HIJACKED – and the balance between new bone cell formation (via osteoblasts) and old bone resorption (via “bone-eating” cells known as osteoclasts) gets thrown out of whack. 

Keeping D levels up to snuff can help keep that balance in check. 

Problem is, some folks with psoriasis are ASHAMED of how they look… and don’t go outside as often… or COVER UP when they do. 

But by “saving face”… they’re actually DEPRIVING themselves of the healing power of the sun…

And their CRUCIAL supply of vitamin D!

I recommend 10,000 IU daily of vitamin D3 in capsule form for everybody – even if you DON’T have a deficiency.

If your levels are very low… talk to your doc about vitamin D injections… which can bring them up quickly and safely. 

And don’t forget the healing powers of the sun. This is especially VITAL in winter months, between November and March. 

The best approach is short bursts, outside of peak times (which are usually 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). 

Start off with 10 minutes at a time… in early morning or late afternoon… and see how you do. 

If you do well with 10-minute intervals… you can gradually increase to 20 minutes at a time.

You don’t want to stay outside long enough to burn… as that could make your psoriasis even MORE uncomfortable (and could cause MORE outbreaks). 

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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