Probiotics could help REVERSE hypertension

January 3, 2024

DODGE the hypertension diagnosis SCAM… and keep BP in check with THIS

The moment that cuff begins to SQUEEZE your upper arm… you can practically SEE your doc salivating. 

Because he’s just CHOMPING at the bit… EAGER for your numbers to be high enough to justify getting you HOOKED on a blood pressure drug. 

Hypertension is SUCH big business these days… the medical mainstream has managed to diagnose nearly 1 in 2 Americans with the condition… 

The VAST majority of whom are taking meds for it.

And that’s not counting all the folks they’ve slapped a “prehypertension” label onto!

BP meds are ALREADY a cash cow for Big Pharma… but they’re not slowing down their efforts…

Not by a long shot. 

Friend, don’t give into the pressure. Because there are DRUG-FREE ways of managing your BP numbers…

And the latest research reveals yet ANOTHER one. 

I’ll share it with you in a moment…

But first, let’s talk about that “numbers game” that mainstream docs are playing…

And how you can come out a WINNER… without taking a single drug!

See, the threshold for having “high” blood pressure according to mainstream standards is actually relatively low – with a systolic (or “top”) number of 120 and a diastolic (or “bottom”) number of 80. 

But they REALLY want your top number to be between 110 and 119…

So even with a reading of 120/80 mmHg… your doc could start shaking his head… and tell you you’re on the fast-track to having high blood pressure. 

Of course, a NUMBER of factors could spike your blood pressure temporarily… from hitting traffic on your way over to sitting in the waiting room for an agonizingly long time. 

Even your body position can affect your BP – to the point where docs are being told that making you stand gives a “more accurate” reading, even though it’s WIDELY known that standing up ELEVATES your blood pressure! 

Some folks have “white coat syndrome”… which means their BP spikes just from seeing their doc walk through the examining room door. 

Of course, one of the FIRST things they do during a doctor’s appointment is strap that cuff around your arm…

But in most cases, if your numbers were SOARING when you first arrived… they’ll DROP during a second reading a few minutes later. 

And for those who CAN’T settle down while in a clinical setting… home monitoring reveals a much more NORMALIZED blood pressure pattern. 

Some mainstream docs just don’t care about those “extenuating circumstances,” though… and AS SOON as your numbers hit or surpass that threshold…


Now, if you TRULY have hypertension… or blood pressure that’s CONSISTENTLY high in different circumstances… you don’t have to make a beeline to the pharmacy. 

Making certain tweaks… like QUITTING smoking and SWITCHING to the Mediterranean diet… can bring those numbers back into a normal range. 

If you’ve done all that… and you STILL need some extra oomph in CONQUERING your blood pressure woes…

The good news is that Chinese researchers just discovered how BALANCING your gut microbiome could keep those numbers in check. 

Turns out, certain types of gut bacteria have been associated with hypertension… while others are more commonly associated with lower blood pressure. 

These scientists gave mice certain strains of “good bugs” (a.k.a. probiotics)… Bifidobacterium lactis M8 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus M9… and found that it NORMALIZED their high blood pressure. 

Now, that DOESN’T mean that you should run out and get a probiotic supplement. I’ve found that most of them are a WASTE of your money!

Fortunately, BOTH the strains of beneficial bacteria used in the study are found in regular ol’ dairy products…

Which is how I recommend folks get their probiotics… from whole foods!

Just make sure they’re the FULL FAT versions… so you can reap the GREATEST benefits from them. 

And don’t forget that to MAXIMIZE the success of probiotics in your gut… you need to FEED them prebiotics. 

You don’t need to take a supplement to get those, either… as they’re found in some healthful and easy-to-prepare foods, like…

  • onions
  • garlic
  • asparagus
  • oats
  • apples
  • flaxseed
  • and more.

You can wash them all down with your favorite glass of wine, too… because whites and reds ALSO act as a prebiotic.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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