Aging is more complicated than being ‘too old’ once you pass a certain birthday

December 24, 2023

‘Too old’? Not so fast – because aging is NEVER that simple

The 2024 presidential election is still nearly A YEAR away…

And Americans are already divided.

Looks like next year’s candidates will boil down to a REMATCH of the 2020 election…

So buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. 

But there’s one thing nearly everybody seems to agree on. 

The two top contenders… Trump and Biden… are old. 

Biden, the elder of the two, will be on the verge of his 82nd birthday if he gets elected next November. He’s already the oldest sitting president in American history. 

And Trump is trailing only three years behind him. 

But some are saying that regardless of what they stand for…

No matter what their policies might be (or how they might differ)…

BOTH of them are TOO OLD to serve office! 

I say it’s not that simple – not even for the office of Commander-in-Chief.

Now, you know what they say: You’re only as old as you feel

Or that priceless gem, Age is just a number

There’s truth to BOTH of these sayings… because it’s indeed possible to have a biological age that’s NOT the same as the number of candles on your birthday cake!

And yes, that means you could feel… act… and think even younger than your chronological age. 

Trump himself addressed this issue on social media, posting, “There are many people in their 80s, and even 90s, that are as good and sharp as ever.”

And I couldn’t agree more.

Now, I can’t speak to the individual aging patterns of Biden or Trump without looking at their medical charts… or examining them personally.

But I do know that carrying a few extra pounds won’t do you any favors in the aging department…


And that stumbling over your words… or over your own two feet… isn’t a great sign of maintaining youthfulness well into your golden years. 

Neither candidate is exactly showing the signs of a “spring chicken.”

I’ve been saying FOR YEARS that I’d like to see more transparency when it comes to presidential health. 

But what I’d really like to talk about today is how YOU can stay young… well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond. 

Because YOU have control over how soon you get to the point where you’re “too old” to make a difference in the world… and do the things you enjoy. 

I’m talking about focusing on aging on a MOLECULAR level…

Which means paying a little more attention to your mitochondrial health. 

Now, the mitochondria are like little “powerhouses” inside every cell in your body… producing the energy needed for all your cellular functions. 

Two of the BEST ways to support mitochondrial function are to promote a healthy gut…

And to move around a little bit more.

But that’s not all. 

There’s also a way to TWEAK your biological age from a GENETIC perspective… namely by keeping your telomeres LONG. 

Telomeres are like little caps at the end of each strand of our DNA material. While they naturally SHORTEN with age… certain nutrients help them stay LONG… like vitamin D and fiber.

And that means making the RIGHT dietary changes could help you stay YOUNG!

Know what else does? Exercise.

That’s where Biden may have a leg up over Trump aging-wise… 

As #46 is frequently seen on his bike riding around the White House… while #45 has REBUKED the idea of getting any more physical activity beyond hitting the links. 

But remember – aging is a COMPLICATED process that involves A LOT of factors. There’s no one single “fountain of youth”… which means you need to do a little bit of EVERYTHING to stay vital for as long as possible.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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