Healthy lifestyle TRUMPS beta-amyloid when it comes to Alzheimer’s risk

March 15, 2024

CONQUER brain changes… and SAVE your precious memories… WITHOUT drugs!

The mainstream has been trying to convince us for over 30 years that Alzheimer’s is caused by structural changes in the brain…

Namely, the formation of misfolded proteins called beta-amyloid and tau.

That created an entire cottage industry of anti-amyloid drugs coming out of Big Pharma…

Which have given Alzheimer’s patients and their families A LOT of hope…

But have delivered very little when it comes to saving their precious memories. 

Those of us “in the know” realized a while ago that this “amyloid hypothesis” just doesn’t hold any water…

And the latest research pokes EVEN MORE holes into it… 

As scientists have discovered that there’s one factor that TRUMPS these protein deposits in the brain.

A healthy lifestyle!

When the new study’s authors looked at autopsy data for older folks… they found that those with those “plaques and tangles” of amyloid and tau proteins didn’t necessarily have the WORST cognitive function. 

Because folks who’d followed a healthy way of living scored BETTER on cognitive tests – regardless of the presence of this supposed “culprit” in their brain tissue. 

What was considered “healthy” in the study?


Following a well-balanced, heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory diet…

Avoiding cigarette smoking…

Moderating alcohol consumption…

And exercising for just a couple of hours a week (or just over 20 minutes a day).

I don’t know about you… but to me, that sounds INCREDIBLY doable…

And well worth any “sacrifice” in order to stay sharp as a tack!

Now, I’m not saying that amyloid deposits have NOTHING to do with Alzheimer’s disease. 

But we’ve found that some folks with those plaques NEVER develop cognitive decline… while other folks WITHOUT strong evidence of amyloid could still suffer from devastating memory loss.

So the role that amyloid plays in how dementias set in is not an open-and-shut case. 

In fact, there’s some evidence that those accumulations of weird proteins may not be the CAUSE of Alzheimer’s… but merely a SYMPTOM of it. 

And there have been some studies that show that those little clumps may actually PROTECT brains from memory-stealing changes occurring. 

I’ve always seen the amyloid theory as an overly simplistic way of looking at Alzheimer’s… a disease that’s probably a result of a complex cascade of events involving MULTIPLE bodily systems. 

We’ve already seen science that shows how memory loss is tied to immune function… gut health… metabolic issues (including blood sugar balance)… and more. 

Not to mention the role that inflammation and toxins may play. 

Friend, let this latest research INSPIRE you to take a fresh look at your diet (I like the Mediterranean style of eating)… and get outside for a breath of fresh air. 

Whether it’s tending the yard or hitting the links… move around a little bit more, and you’ll CLEAR your head today…

And maybe set yourself up for razor-sharp memory function in the future. 

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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