PFAS use ended in certain types of food packaging, but ultra-processed foods remain UNSAFE

April 17, 2024

Feds KICKING these chemicals to the curb – but packaged foods still AREN’T safe

We should celebrate the small victories. 

Baby steps, as they say. 

So I was glad to see that after a phase-out that began in 2020… the FDA has officially ENDED the use of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (a.k.a. PFAS) in certain types of food packaging.

These “forever chemicals” were being used for “grease-proofing” in places like fast food wrappers… takeout containers… microwave popcorn bags… and more. 

But just because these TOXIC chemicals are gone from NEW materials doesn’t mean they’re gone for good. 

For one, we don’t know how many of these items are still lying around from BEFORE the phase-out. So although nothing NEW is being manufactured with PFAS… that doesn’t mean that nothing is currently being USED with it. 

Secondly, PFAS are known as “forever chemicals” because once they CONTAMINATE the environment… they’re nearly IMPOSSIBLE to erase. They literally NEVER go away. 

Trash containing PFAS is literally PILING UP at our landfills… which can literally off-gas these chemicals into the air. 

And PFAS have already been found in our groundwater supply… and in some drinking water. 

They’ve been showing up in the food we eat…

And even in our blood!

But there’s an even LARGER issue at hand here… because the removal of PFAS from this type of food packaging may make it seem like those items are now SAFE to consume. 

That’s just not true. 

First of all, think of all the GREASE that those PFAS were meant to resist!

Secondly, PFAS are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dangers of fast food… and other ultra-processed foods. 

Issues with packaging… like potential exposure to BPA, BPS, and other plastics… are only scratching the surface. 

Because the foods themselves are INHERENTLY no good!

Not only are they HIGHER in calories than unprocessed foods…

But they’re also LESS nutritious than whole foods… since the very act of processing can REMOVE or even DESTROY nutrients, like vitamins and minerals. 

Therefore, the LESS processed a food is… the GREATER its nutrient density. 

And when it comes to the food you eat… you want every item to pack a BIG punch. 

It should taste good… NOURISH you… and FILL you up… without having to eat A LOT of it. 

Unfortunately, ultra-processed foods offer a QUICK HIT by tasting good… but leaving you empty-handed when it comes to nourishment, nutrition, and feeling satisfied. 

All too often, you STILL feel hungry… so you eat more of the SAME ultra-processed foods… but can NEVER get your fill. 

It’s like an addiction! 

But if you’re “hooked” on ultra-processed foods… you can get ON the wagon… and STAY on it. 

I find the Mediterranean diet to be tasty… filling… AND satisfying…

Especially since it allows healthy fats like olive oil (which is a much better “grease” for you)… meats and cheeses… and even a bit of red wine. 

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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