New meta-analysis finds ultra-processed food consumption linked to 38 health problems

April 19, 2024

Stay OUT of an early grave by making this diet change NOW

Ten million people can’t be wrong. 

That must’ve been what The Washington Post editors were thinking when they decided to run the story about how ultra-processed foods have been linked to DOZENS of health problems. 

Of course, I’VE been pointing the finger at excess processing on packaged foods for AGES now…

But it takes A LOT for the mainstream to sit up and take notice… and actually REPORT findings like these as news. 

Could that decision have to do with the fact that a new review of studies involves nearly 10,000,000 participants…

And came to the RESOUNDING conclusion that “bad” eating habits were DIRECTLY associated with conditions like…

  • obesity
  • heart disease
  • type 2 diabetes
  • sleep problems
  • mood issues
  • and more. 

Not to mention… death from ANY cause!

Now, you might expect that eating fat-laden fast food and drinking sugar bomb beverages might make you PILE on some extra pounds… or MESS with your glucose control. 

And a recent study revealed the link between eating ultra-processed white bread and developing colon cancer. 

But this new research shows that factory foods could ALSO keep you up at night… make you feel DEPRESSED… or even land you in an early grave. 

We’re not just talking double cheeseburgers and French fries… but also grocery store items that might SEEM healthy… or even nutritious…

Like breakfast cereals… and those lunchtime “meal kits” that have made their way into school cafeterias. 

Problem is, items sold in a box or a bag typically contain ZERO whole food ingredients…


And are instead PACKED with additives like artificial flavorings… emulsifiers for texture… modified starches… high-fructose corn syrup… and vegetable oils…

Not to mention potentially GMOs (which means they might’ve been SOAKED in pesticides somewhere along the way). 

The researchers behind these latest findings don’t know exactly WHICH of these is the main culprit behind the link between ultra-processed foods and disease…

But I suspect it’s SOME combination of LACK of nutritional value… a DISRUPTED microbiome… and exposure to substances our bodies were NEVER designed to process.

Nevertheless, ultra-processed GARBAGE makes up more than HALF of what Americans consume on a DAILY basis. 

NO WONDER we’re all so sick all of the time!

Fortunately, none of this is UNAVOIDABLE. You just need to know how to shop the supermarket in the RIGHT way. 

The BEST thing to do when you’re at the grocery store is stick to the perimeter – where you’ll find the fresh produce, meat counter, dairy case, and all the other whole foods. 

It’s the center aisles where you’ll find the stuff you’ll want to DITCH from your shopping list, like…

  • frozen meals (a.k.a. “TV dinners”)
  • “instant” foods (like ramen noodles, soup packets)
  • snack bags
  • soft drinks
  • “fat-free” and “low fat” concoctions (a.k.a. “diet food”)

SWAP OUT these foods… and REPLACE them with fresh fruits and vegetables, full-fat dairy, lean animal protein, and nuts and seeds…

And you could feel an IMMEDIATE improvement in your health!

For instance, you could start getting the RESTFUL sleep you deserve…

And, as a result… you could start EATING better, too! The science shows how we CRAVE junk food when we’re DEPRIVED of sleep. 

In pursuit of the truth, 

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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