Blockbuster weight loss drugs investigated for risk of suicidal thoughts, hair loss, aspiration

March 1, 2024

‘Miracle’ drugs making weight loss journey a matter of LIFE and DEATH

Imagine, you’re excited to start up on a new “miracle drug”…

One that promises blood sugar control AND weight loss…

With ZERO starvation diets… and not having to lift a FINGER at the gym. 

It sounds too good to be true…

And, friend, it just might be.

Because the HARSH reality has come crashing down on some patients who’ve taken the jab from injection-based weight loss drugs.

You know, the ones all the celebrities are taking to stay slim and red carpet-ready?

Well, if you’re hoping that one of these BLOCKBUSTER Rx meds will help you feel BETTER about yourself… 


Here’s the breaking news you need to know. 

The feds are now investigating some HORRIFYING side effects of these drugs, known as GLP-1 agonists…

Including hair loss…


And thoughts of SUICIDE!

That’s right, if you CAN’T STAND the thought of living out the rest of your life carrying around some extra weight…


Big Pharma’s latest-and-greatest might just offer a solution… of OFFING yourself!

At least, that’s what folks have been reporting to the FDA…

Although the mainstream media outlet MedicalNewsToday is quick to point out that a recent study found NO link between thoughts of self-harm and the main active ingredient of the drugs in question, semaglutide. 

But when you consider some of the OTHER side effects of these drugs… the ones that the drugmakers ADMIT to… and have been PROVEN in studies…

It’s no wonder that patients are losing their will to live!

I’m talking about nausea… vomiting… a RACING heartbeat… an INFLAMED pancreas… and more.

But there’s ANOTHER way that these weight-loss drugs could THREATEN your life…

And that’s by causing aspiration… or food “going down the wrong way.”

It doesn’t happen so much when folks are eating… but when they HAVEN’T eaten in hours…

And their stomachs are STILL full… because of how much the meds SLOW DOWN gastric emptying. 

Eat too late in the day… and when you lie down for the night, some of that stomach stuff could come back up and choke you TO DEATH. 

And finally, as far as the hair loss… well, that sometimes comes with the territory in cases of EXTREME weight loss.

That’s because CRASH diets… and other “quick fixes” to obesity… often leave the patient DEFICIENT in crucial nutrients. 

Not only that… but a SWIFT and UNNATURAL drop in weight can also hijack a healthy hormone balance…

Especially in women. 

My big takeaway here is that none of these side effects and adverse events could POSSIBLY be worth the chance of shedding A FEW pounds…

Especially when you consider that when most folks stop the drugs… the weight COMES BACK.

You’re better off getting to the bottom of WHY you’re struggling with your weight… whether it’s a hormonal imbalance or a metabolic disorder…

And then coming up with a nutritional plan to get you back on track. 

Yes, losing weight will involve CUTTING calories – that’s just math. 

But you shouldn’t have to DEPRIVE yourself… or SUFFER through such ALARMING side effects… in order to maintain a healthy weight.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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