Meat proteins outperform plant proteins in nutrition and bioavailability

February 25, 2024

Animal and ‘plant’ proteins were NOT created equal

If the “woke mob” had it their way… 

We’d all be HUGGING cows instead of grilling up steaks…

Our pastures would be OVERRUN with wild hogs while we’re eating “fakin’ bacon”…

And chickens would be taking over our living rooms… wearing cute little hats instead of laying eggs for our omelets!

But while this “friends, not food” movement may be ADORABLE to some…

It’s actually pretty DANGEROUS to our health. 

So before you decide you want to give up meat… and make the switch to a plant-based diet… 

You should know that not all proteins were created equal. 

And SWAPPING OUT animal proteins for plant proteins is NOT an even exchange. 

In fact, you’ll end up getting the SHORT end of the stick!

Now, we’ve seen how going meatless has led to some pretty serious health consequences… and not just malnutrition. 

I’m also talking about mood issues… hair loss… frailty… and even higher stroke risk.

You may THINK you could get plenty of protein from plant sources like beans, nuts, tofu, and more… 

But the sad truth is, you’d be SHORTCHANGING yourself nutritionally!

According to a 2023 study out of Purdue University, two people could eat the SAME amount of protein… one from meat and the other from plants…

And the carnivore would end up with MORE essential amino acids that their body can actually use to build muscle… 

Proteins necessary for bodily functions… 


And even neurotransmitters (including those brain chemicals that keep depression and anxiety at bay).

So when mainstream dietary guidelines tell you that one ounce of animal protein is equal to a half-ounce of almonds… that’s just categorically FALSE.

Now, the elephant in the room is that NOT ALL animal proteins are good for you. In fact, some can do more harm than good. 

I’m talking about PROCESSED meats. 

For one, they’re OFFICIALLY considered carcinogenic! 

What’s more, they’re a NIGHTMARE for your heart health. One UCLA study from 2021 found that eating less than two hot dogs a week could increase cardiovascular disease risk by 46%. 

And the risk of death? That could skyrocket by 50%. 

It’s not just hot dogs… but also deli meat and bacon… and as few as five slices a week of either.

Which means no bacon for you, after all…

But you CAN feel free to indulge in healthy portions of organic, lean pork… 

Fresh chicken breast…

And a nice sirloin from a grass-fed, organically-raised cow (ideally from a local farm to cut down on how far it’s got to travel).

Unprocessed red meat in particular can give you a nice boost of key nutrients BEYOND those amino acids…

Like vitamin B12… and minerals like iron, zinc, and selenium. 

Of course, there IS a risk of getting too much of a good thing… so keep those portion sizes under control…

And maybe don’t make it a habit to keep that tomahawk steak all to yourself.

I like the Mediterranean diet because it allows plenty of lean animal proteins and fish so you don’t feel deprived… 

But it also doesn’t encourage you to go BANANAS over the protein the way that the Paleo style of eating does. 

It’s all about balance, my friend. 

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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