Fatty fish like salmon associated with IMPROVED cholesterol and heart risk

March 13, 2024

‘Fatty fish trick’ helps keep cholesterol on course – and now we know exactly HOW

Friend, you’ve been DECEIVED.

Frankly, we ALL have. 

One of the biggest SWINDLES of mainstream dietary advice was arguing that fat was BAD for us…

That eating it would JACK UP our cholesterol levels…

And that high cholesterol would put our heart health in the crosshairs. 

The latest research turns that theory ON ITS HEAD…

And I’ll share those exciting details with you in a moment. 

But first, a little about how we get here. 

See, this era of “low fat” and “fat-free” has given birth to a blockbuster industry of ultra-processed foods – one that RAKES IN more than $2 billion a year. 

Whether it’s skim milk… reduced fat margarine… or Egg Beaters… 


Big Food has CASHED IN on the myth that fat is the enemy. 

Combine that with the SCAM of Big Pharma’s cholesterol-lowering drugs, called statins…

And what’s a HUGE money-maker for THEM has come at the expense of YOUR health.

Truth is, the RIGHT kind of fat is GOOD for you… 

Which brings me to this latest study I just mentioned. 

It has to do with a type of fatty food you might THINK you should stay away from. 

I’m talking about salmon. 

Researchers took a close look at data and found that consuming this fatty fish was associated with an IMPROVED cholesterol profile, including lower…

  • total cholesterol
  • triglycerides
  • LDL cholesterol. 

Now, that alone wouldn’t necessarily make me look twice… especially because I think the dangers of LDL (which has unfortunately earned the nickname “bad” cholesterol) have been OVERBLOWN. 

But there was something ELSE that caught my eye about this study. 

The researchers ALSO found lower levels of apolipoprotein B – which can be a marker for heart disease. 

This wasn’t just a fluke… because the scientists were able to isolate compounds unique to salmon that were responsible for these positive health changes. 

Of course, don’t take that to mean that you should BINGE on salmon as some kind of statin replacement…

But it does show how a food that contains fat could do very good things for your health… and SHOULDN’T be avoided. 

Now, I have a couple of other myths I want to “bust” for you today. 

For one, eating whole foods that contain cholesterol (like eggs) WON’T send your blood cholesterol levels soaring…

And taking drugs to make your cholesterol levels take a nosedive MAY NOT save you from cardiovascular death. 

On top of that, statins carry a risk of DEVASTATING side effects… like vision loss and dementia. 

Fortunately, it’s easy to reap the benefits of salmon… and other fatty fish, like herring, mackerel, or sardines… by following the delicious Mediterranean diet. 

If you’re already on statin drugs, it’s been shown to work well alongside it. 

And if you’re not on statins yet, you should know that some research has indicated that the Mediterranean diet on its own may OUTPERFORM statins on their own.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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