Probiotics could help manage type 2 diabetes

February 28, 2024

The RIGHT way to get ‘good bugs’ on your side for glucose control

Friend, if you’re struggling to control type 2 diabetes…

You might find yourself CONSTANTLY focused on avoiding sugar. 

And while it’s true that LIMITING your sugar intake is good practice… whether your blood glucose is high or not…

In my view, the medical mainstream takes it a little too far. 

A conventional doc will watch your diet LIKE A HAWK… making sure you NEVER touch a piece of fruit!

But there’s more to blood sugar control than meets the eye…

And there’s a way you can be PROACTIVE about keeping your numbers on track. 

It may just surprise you. 

See, it all has to do with your gut health… which, as you know by now, is tied in with SO MANY of your body’s processes, from immunity to mood. 

There’s a direct link, of course, between your gut and your metabolic health…

And, as it turns out, your gut microbiome… or the colony of bacteria that live in your lower intestinal tract… is a CRUCIAL influencer of blood sugar balance!

That’s why probiotics could be the key to keeping diabetes in check… or even STOPPING it before it starts. 

Studies have shown how strains of beneficial bacteria – a.k.a. “good bugs” – could help improve diabetes measurements like A1C, postprandial (or sugar spikes after eating), fasting glucose, and more. 

In fact, certain strains have been shown to help STIMULATE the release of a hormone called GLP-1… which is EXACTLY how some of those recent blockbuster diabetes drugs (also used for weight loss) work. 

Probiotics may also help improve insulin sensitivity, according to a 2021 study out of China.

Now, probiotic supplements have become pretty buzzworthy in the natural health world…


And unfortunately, a think most of them are a total WASTE. 

I’d prefer folks to get their bugs boosted through naturally fermented whole foods, like…

  • yogurt
  • kimchi
  • pickles
  • sauerkraut, and
  • cheese.

You might think that kombucha fits into this category… but this “health beverage” that’s all the rage right now is actually made with fermented yeast…

Which can cause all sorts of digestive problems in folks… especially if you’re ALREADY struggling with a yeast overgrowth. 

But a small study recently did find that kombucha drinkers could keep their blood sugar in a healthier range compared to non-kombucha drinkers…

So if you’d like to try it… or you’ve already developed a taste for the stuff… just make sure you’re drinking a version with no sugar added. 

But that doesn’t mean it’s got artificial sweeteners in it instead… because those “fake sugars” can really HIJACK your glycemic control, too.

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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