Making just one lifestyle change could reduce IBS risk by 21%

April 3, 2024

Do this ONE thing to help keep IBS at bay

You’re feeling nauseous… maybe even throwing up… 

And DOUBLED-OVER in pain.

When you’re SUFFERING from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)… sometimes ALL you can think about it running to the toilet. 

Because if it’s not coming out of ONE end… it’s coming out of the OTHER!

And either way, you’re MISERABLE. 

Dietary changes are usually your FIRST line of defense – but if those don’t work, a conventional doc might try to put you on any NUMBER of Rx meds.

You know what’s next…

ANNOYING trips to the pharmacy… copays… side effects… and more. 

If ONE drug doesn’t work… your doc might try to CONVINCE you that your only other option is SOME OTHER drug. 

Sound like a NIGHTMARE? For some, it is. 

So, my friend, don’t let it get to that point. 

Turns out, there’s a way to BEAT BACK this digestive ailment…

And according to a new study out of China, it could be as simple as making just ONE change. 

The best part? You’ve actually got MULTIPLE options, including…

  1. getting at least 7 hours of RESTFUL sleep a night
  2. eating the BEST diet you can
  3. BANISHING cigarettes
  4. LIMITING alcohol to moderate amounts, and
  5. exercising VIGOROUSLY.

The MORE changes you make… the BETTER your odds are at keeping IBS at bay. 

Now, there might be one or two (or more) of those five options that you’re not too excited about. In fact, I don’t like recommending folks exercise TOO MUCH… as there are some real dangers associated with over-exercising. 

The good news is that you can pick just one… and no matter WHICH one it is, you could reduce your risk of developing IBS by 21%.

But don’t stop there…

Because you can do EVEN BETTER with just TWO lifestyle changes… which could result in a 36% lower risk of IBS. 

And best of all, making three or more of these lifestyle adjustments could result in an IBS risk that’s a whopping 42% lower.

If you’ve already got IBS… one expert told Medical News Today that there’s no reason why these lifestyle changes couldn’t help a patient manage an EXISTING case of the disease as well.

For even better IBS control… take note of what your triggers are…

And work to ELIMINATE them. 

Maybe that’s stress… spicy foods… or caffeine. It’s different for everybody. 

For many, it’s a bad night’s sleep that can make for an even worse IBS morning…

So if there’s ONE thing you want to ZERO IN on… evidence shows that getting optimal sleep may be the thing. 

Fortunately, there’s a SINGLE ingredient that could help EASE the symptoms of IBS… and also help you DESCEND into a restful slumber.

It’s melatonin. 

You may have already heard how the “sleep hormone” could help you get those 40 winks…

But what you may not know is that even if you’ve got ZERO problems sleeping… melatonin could help RELIEVE gastrointestinal symptoms of IBS. 

According to a 2023 study out of Iran, that could mean LESS belly pain… bloating… diarrhea… and constipation.

Melatonin could even help improve your quality of life! 

As with any new routine, check with your doc first… start out slow… and see how it goes. 

Remember that melatonin can make you feel a little drowsy in the morning if you take too much at night… or take it too late…

So don’t plan on operating any heavy machinery first thing the next day (at least, not until you know how you’ll respond).

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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