PPIs once again linked to dementia risk

February 15, 2024

‘Acid-blocking’ drugs could STEAL your precious memories

Friend, I know you’re feeling MISERABLE…

And you’re looking for a QUICK FIX.

But as BAD as that acid reflux is… getting RID of your heartburn isn’t worth LOSING your precious memories. 

The evidence is CONCLUSIVE… and study after study keeps showing the same results, time and again. 

Now we can add a recent study from Denmark to the list…

Which concludes that using acid-blocking drugs… otherwise known as proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs, for short… could put you in the crosshairs for dementia. 

It’s not just older folks… but even heartburn sufferers as young as 60!

In fact, dementia was MOST prevalent among the YOUNGEST study participants who were taking at least one PPI. (And often, folks with reflux problems find themselves on MULTIPLE acid blockers.)

Friend, it’s not just one “bad apple” in the bunch, either… but ALL of the best-known OTC heartburn meds you’ve heard of…

Plus some of the Rx ones, too. 

Even worse, the LONGER you use them… the HIGHER your dementia risk. 

That’s because these drugs were NEVER meant to be used over the long term… but far too many folks are finding that once they start up, they CAN’T stop. 

What was MEANT to be a short-term solution… used just over the course of a couple weeks… has become practically a LIFE SENTENCE. 

Sure, you might feel like you’re getting better… and that you don’t need the drugs anymore. 

But just TRY to stop… and you might experience what’s called “rebound” symptoms…

Which means the acid reflux comes SURGING back… sometimes even WORSE than when you first started up on the drugs!

So, understandably, patients just go back on the drugs to make the reflux go away… and it works. 

But to me, that sounds an awful lot like what happens when a junkie tries to quit an addictive drug they’re HOOKED on… and ends up falling OFF the wagon because of how MISERABLE they feel when trying to get clean!

Now, we don’t know exactly why PPIs are linked to dementia risk… but it could have something to do with the way they could SABOTAGE your balance of gut bugs (which are inextricably linked to brain function)…


Or the way they SUPPRESS the secretion of stomach acid… which could actually make your levels of gastric juices TOO LOW…

Leading to instances of MALNUTRITION. 

If you’re NOT getting the nutrients you need from the food you eat… because you haven’t got the acid in your stomach to help digest the food…

Then you could be STARVING your brain!

Friend, in instances like this… two roads may diverge… and I encourage you to take the one less traveled by. 

Don’t give in to the mainstream’s SHAM medicine…

And instead, seek out the help of an integrative doc… who can work with you on BALANCING your gut…

Keeping the acid DOWN where it belongs (perhaps by using the tried-and-true “home remedy” of sodium bicarbonate)…

And supplementing your diet with the nutrients your brain needs to stay strong as you age.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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