Untreated afib associated with 45% higher risk of mild cognitive impairment

January 12, 2024

IGNORING heart rhythm issues could put your precious memories in the crosshairs

Your heart starts RACING without warning…

And then… for no reason you can come up with… it slows down to a normal pace. 

You may have gotten used to the ups and downs of an irregular heartbeat…

But it could be a sign of atrial fibrillation (or afib, for short)… a serious heart rhythm condition that could leave you WORN OUT…

Even after the SLIGHTEST exertion. 

Afib patients sometimes also feel short of breath… or a little lightheaded…

But if it’s not SEVERE… they might try to explain it away. 

Oh, it’s just a busy time of year…” they’ll say. “I’ve got a lot going on…

That could be a HUGE mistake, according to the latest research out of the UK. 

Because leaving afib untreated could not only make the condition turn DEADLY…

But if you manage to SURVIVE it… it could STEAL your precious memories!

You might not think your heart health has ANYTHING to do with your brain health…

Yet there’s a SIGNIFICANTLY higher chance you could develop mild cognitive impairment… or even full-blown dementia… if you IGNORE your irregular heartbeat. 

The risk for MCI among patients with untreated afib is 45% higher than those who’ve gotten their heart rhythm under control. 

And the ones MOST in the crosshairs are older folks… and those who’ve experienced a prior stoke.

See, this heart rhythm issue isn’t just about the “fluttering” that you feel in your chest. Behind the scenes, it could result in tiny blood clots that travel to your brain. 

They could INTERRUPT essential blood flow to the brain tissue… and even result in what experts call “silent” strokes.

You DON’T notice them while they happen… but they nonetheless leave a path of destruction behind.

The good news is that the risk of cognitive decline is the SAME among those who TREAT their afib… and those with ZERO afib. 

Here’s the kicker…

The researchers behind this latest study had a NARROW definition of afib treatment…

And I’m sure you can guess what it was.

Big Pharma’s drugs!

Specifically, digoxin and amiodarone… taken alongside blood thinners. 

Now, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t remind you that an OUNCE of prevention is worth a POUND of cure…

And that the best thing to do is SLAM THE BRAKES on afib before it EVER takes hold. 

There are some non-drug ways of doing that, including…

  • AVOID overdoing it when it comes to exercise
  • INDULGE in flavanol-rich chocolate
  • DITCH the energy drinks, which have been shown to lead to cardiac complications, and
  • ENSURE a good night’s rest on a regular basis.

Taking vitamin D3 supplements could also lower your afib risk and help you stay ahead of the game.

But if you’ve ALREADY got afib… Big Pharma’s cash cow drugs aren’t your only option. 

Some of the natural alternatives that have shown effectiveness in STEADYING afib include:

  • vitamin C
  • magnesium 
  • CoQ10

Even the mainstream has EMBRACED these… and docs often encourage their patients to take them alongside an Rx.

In some cases, they may do the trick on their own… without having to fill a prescription.

In pursuit of the truth,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.


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