Cancer therapies for lymphoma caused secondary cancers

December 4, 2023

Could you get cancer from… your cancer treatment? [Horrifying]

It’s one of the BIGGEST conundrums of mainstream medicine today. 

They say you’ve got to undergo chemotherapy in order to BEAT your cancer…

But the drugs they give you are CARCINOGENIC!

That’s right, one of their BIGGEST tools to combat cancer is to POISON you with stuff that’s SO toxic… 

It could literally CAUSE the very disease it’s trying to KILL. 

And they wonder why they’re not winning the war on cancer!

In a recent study out of Denmark, patients with aggressive cases of lymphoma – a type of cancer that attacks your lymph nodes – were treated with high doses of chemo drugs and a bone marrow transplant. 

And what did they get in return?

The study calls them “second primary malignancies”… but what that means is simply MORE CANCER. 

It’s not just that the lymphoma DIDN’T go away.

In some cases, the disease struck ELSEWHERE in their bodies… and they developed OTHER kinds, like skin cancer and blood cancers. 

Now, if you find yourself diagnosed with lymphoma, friend… and I pray you never do… you might get pitched this potentially CANCER-INDUCING combo. 

Because scientists are still standing behind the theory that doing a bone marrow transplant… and following it with a SUPERDOSE of chemo… could lead to remission. 

Only you can make that decision for yourself.

But it’s CRUCIAL that you’re aware of what these additional risks are. 

Some research shows that intravenous vitamin C actually helps BEAT BACK the toxic effects of chemo on healthy cells…

And IVC could help make lymphoma less severe, too.

That’s not all…


Because vitamin D supplementation has also shown to help increase your chances for survival with lymphoma. 

An integrative oncologist could also recommend other non-drug and complementary therapies… including some herbs that might help BOOST your treatment. 

There’s some good evidence behind curcumin, which was shown in a 2021 study to help ENHANCE conventional cancer care. 

However, I’d like to see you keep this type of cancer… and ANY type of cancer… at bay in the first place. 

Because, as I always say, an ounce of prevention is worth a POUND of cure. 

First of all, AVOID cancer-causing chemicals like glyphosate at all costs. There’s a KNOWN link between this pesticide ingredient and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

That’s why I always recommend eating organic foods, no exceptions. For any food product to be certified organic… whether it’s a fruit, vegetable, or grain… it MUST NOT have been treated with any chemicals. 

And that includes glyphosate. 

That’s probably why studies have found incidences of lymphoma to be significantly reduced among folks who’ve “gone organic.”

For better health,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, M.D., Ph.D.

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